------------- HD*Calc 3.0.0 ------------- The Health Disparities Calculator (HD*Calc) is a statistical software application which provides a convenient way to compute several population based measures of health disparity. Input data can be generated using SEER*Stat or can be imported from any other source. Absolute Disparity Measures - Range Difference or Rate Difference (RD) - Between-Group Variance (BGV) - Absolute Concentration Index (ACI) - Slope Index of Inequality (SII) Relative Disparity Measures - Range Ratio or Rate Ratio (RR) - Index of Disparity (IDisp) - Mean Log Deviation (MLD) - Theil Index (T) - Relative Concentration Index (RCI) - Relative Index of Inequality (RII) - Kunst Mackenbach Relative Index of Inequality (KMI) -------- FEATURES -------- - Easy to use interface - Comprehensive help system - Graphs and Tables for reporting results ------------------- SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------- - Pentium-based PC - 32-bit Microsoft Windows (95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, etc.) - 800 x 600 or greater monitor resolution - Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0+ for viewing help - 32 MBs application RAM - Approximately 6 MBs disk space ------------ INSTALLATION ------------ To install using the installation program from the Internet: - Download the installation program from http://seer.cancer.gov/hdcalc - Within Windows, double-click on the downloaded file - Follow the instructions on your screen ------------------------------- REMOVING PREVIOUS INSTALLATIONS ------------------------------- If you wish to completely remove an earlier version prior to installing this current version, use the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Windows Control Panel. ---------------- REVISION HISTORY ---------------- 02/28/2024 - Version 3.0.0 1. Old software built with different compiler retired and replaced. 2. Result tabs with charts and tables split into two separate tabs, one for chart and other for table. 3. Fixed bug in Bootstrap calculation of SE. Numbers are now different but consistent with each iteration. 08/30/2019 - Version 2.0.0 1. Added ability to analyze input data containing individual records such as survey data. 2. Support calculation of disparity measures when there is only one time point. 3. Upgraded help to a web-based help system. 10/29/2013 - Version 1.2.4 1. Removed error message generated when loading data without population field. 2. Fixed reset of SE calculation method from Bootstrap to Taylor Series. 10/24/2012 - Version 1.2.3 1. Fixed the calculation of % change for Rate Ratio. 2. Added ability to adjust disparity measures for scaling when multiple measures are viewed together in a single chart. 3. Updated the sample data to use the most recent SEER*Stat databases. 6/25/2012 - Version 1.2.2 1. Modified the calculation of Kunst Mackenbach RII so that the disparity groups are handled in the correct order best-to-worst. 4/17/2012 - Version 1.2.1 1. Added ability to export disparity table in JoinPoint ready files. 2. Fixed data import utility to handle absence of stratification variable. 3. Fixed data retrieval to handle stratification of unsorted data. 10/31/2011 - Version 1.2.0 1. Added ability to use more than one disparity variable. 2. User can specify variable types when loading SEER*Stat export files as input. 3. Fixed SII, RII and KMI to handle reverse order of disparity groups whne the "least advantaged group first" checkbox is unchecked. 01/12/2010 - Version 1.1.0 First production release. 11/12/2009 - Version 1.0.6 - Beta 1. Fixed a problem with importing data (not from SEER*Stat) that contained stratification variables. 2. Added a section to the help file for the pair comparison measures (rate ratio and rate difference). And changed the order of the reference and comparison groups on the Pair Comparison tab. This change was done for consistency between the rate ratio and range ratio; and the rate difference and range difference. 3. Added support for comma delimited fields in the input data with the delimiter imbedded in quoted fields. 4. Added description of methods used for calculating Standard Errors and Confidence Intervals to the help system. 5. Corrected the URL in the "Help About" dialog 9/21/2009 - Version 1.0.5 - Beta (Initial public release) ----------------- TECHNICAL SUPPORT ----------------- Email: hdcalculator@imsweb.com Web: seer.cancer.gov/hdcalc