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Table 15.28

Cancer of the Lung and Bronchus (Invasive)

Percent Distribution and Counts by Histology among Histologically Confirmed Cases, 2006-2010
Both Sexes by Race
Histologya All Races White Black Asian/
Pacific Islander
American Indian
/Alaska Nativeb
Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent
Carcinoma 224,350 98.9% 186,083 98.9% 24,620 98.9% 12,109 98.8% 729 97.9% 11,972 98.1%
Small cell (8041-8045) 30,845 13.6% 27,025 14.4% 2,626 10.5% 968 7.9% 140 18.8% 1,436 11.8%
Non-small celld 193,505 85.3% 159,058 84.5% 21,994 88.3% 11,141 90.9% 589 79.1% 10,536 86.3%
Squamous and transitional celle 48,561 21.4% 40,634 21.6% 5,732 23.0% 1,851 15.1% 178 23.9% 2,201 18.0%
Adenocarcinomaf 92,669 40.8% 75,509 40.1% 9,903 39.8% 6,698 54.7% 216 29.0% 5,366 44.0%
Large cell (8011-8015) 5,890 2.6% 4,817 2.6% 811 3.3% 223 1.8% 20 2.7% 280 2.3%
Other non-small cellg 46,385 20.4% 38,098 20.2% 5,548 22.3% 2,369 19.3% 175 23.5% 2,689 22.0%
Sarcomah 422 0.2% 344 0.2% 43 0.2% 23 0.2% - - 47 0.4%
Other specified typesi 187 0.1% 154 0.1% 24 0.1% - - - - 23 0.2%
Unspecified (8000-8005) 1,932 0.9% 1,581 0.8% 218 0.9% 112 0.9% - - 163 1.3%
Total 226,891 100.0% 188,162 100.0% 24,905 100.0% 12,253 100.0% 745 100.0% 12,205 100.0%


Source: SEER 18 areas (San Francisco, Connecticut, Detroit, Hawaii, Iowa, New Mexico, Seattle, Utah, Atlanta, San Jose-Monterey, Los Angeles, Alaska Native Registry, Rural Georgia, California excluding SF/SJM/LA, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey and Georgia excluding ATL/RG). Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding.

a Excludes Kaposi Sarcoma, mesothelioma, lymphomas, leukemias, myelomas, lymphoreticular, and immunoproliferative diseases.

b Estimates for American Indian/Alaska Native are based on the CHSDA(Contract Health Service Delivery Area) counties.

c Hispanic is not mutually exclusive from whites, blacks, Asian/Pacific Islanders, and American Indians/Alaska Natives. Underlying incidence data for Hispanics are based on NHIA and exclude cases from the Alaska Native Registry.

d Non-small cell includes histologies 8010-8015, 8020-8022, 8030-8040, 8046, 8050-8052, 8070-8084, 8090-8110, 8120-8131, 8140-8156, 8160-8162, 8170-8175, 8180, 8190-8221, 8230-8231, 8240-8263, 8270-8280, 8290-8337, 8340-8347, 8350-8390, 8400-8562, 8570-8576, 8580-8671, 8940-8941.

e Squamous and transitional cell includes histologies 8051-8052, 8070-8084, 8120-8131.

f Adenocarcinoma includes histologies 8050, 8140-8149, 8160-8162, 8190-8221, 8250-8263, 8270-8280, 8290-8337, 8350-8390, 8400-8560, 8570-8576, 8940-8941.

g Other non-small cell includes large cell carcinoma, NOS, other specified carcinomas, and unspecified carcinomas. Other non-small cell is defined as histologies 8010, 8020-8022, 8030-8040, 8046, 8090-8110, 8150-8156, 8170-8175, 8180, 8230-8231, 8240-8249, 8340-8347, 8561-8562, 8580-8671.

h Sarcoma includes histologies 8680-8713, 8800-8921, 8990-8991, 9040-9044, 9120-9136, 9150-9252, 9370-9373, 9540-9582.

i Other specific types includes melanomas and is defined as histologies 8720-8790, 8930-8936, 8950-8983, 9000-9030, 9060-9110, 9260-9365, 9380-9539.

- Statistic not shown due to fewer than 16 cases during the time period.

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