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Table 16.19

Melanoma of the Skin (Invasive)

Age-adjusted Cancer Deatha Rates by State, All Races, 2006-2010


Total U.S. Rate compared to Five Highest and Five Lowest State Rates
State Rate SE Rank PD
TOTAL U.S. 4.09 0.02    
Utah 5.42 0.35 (01) 32.50c
Wyoming 5.11 0.65 (02) 24.97c
Colorado 5.11 0.23 (03) 24.82c
Vermont 5.01 0.58 (04) 22.41c
Oklahoma 4.89 0.24 (05) 19.47c
North Dakota 3.28 0.44 (47) -19.76c
New York 3.28 0.09 (48) -19.92c
Alaska 2.84 0.52 (49) -30.57c
Hawaii 2.26 0.26 (50) -44.88c
D.C. 1.69 0.38 (51) -58.66c
Individual State Rates
State Rate SE Rank PD
Alabama 4.61 0.21 (12) 12.69
Alaska 2.84 0.52 (49) -30.57c
Arizona 4.46 0.18 (17) 8.93
Arkansas 4.04 0.25 (30) -1.31
California 3.88 0.07 (37) -5.28
Colorado 5.11 0.23 (03) 24.82c
Connecticut 3.62 0.21 (42) -11.48
Delaware 4.31 0.46 (20) 5.32
D.C. 1.69 0.38 (51) -58.66c
Florida 4.47 0.09 (16) 9.26
Georgia 3.97 0.16 (32) -3.02
Hawaii 2.26 0.26 (50) -44.88c
Idaho 4.82 0.38 (07) 17.76c
Illinois 3.68 0.12 (40) -10.13
Indiana 4.63 0.18 (10) 13.26
Iowa 3.96 0.23 (33) -3.21
Kansas 4.48 0.26 (15) 9.47
Kentucky 4.85 0.23 (06) 18.50c
Louisiana 3.40 0.20 (46) -17.01c
Maine 4.48 0.36 (14) 9.49
Maryland 4.27 0.19 (24) 4.34
Massachusetts 4.32 0.17 (19) 5.51
Michigan 3.55 0.12 (44) -13.33
Minnesota 3.55 0.17 (43) -13.24
Mississippi 3.88 0.26 (36) -5.26
Missouri 4.67 0.18 (09) 14.07
Montana 3.43 0.36 (45) -16.06c
Nebraska 4.00 0.31 (31) -2.29
Nevada 4.28 0.28 (23) 4.52
New Hampshire 4.08 0.36 (29) -0.29
New Jersey 3.84 0.14 (39) -6.07
New Mexico 4.24 0.31 (26) 3.71
New York 3.28 0.09 (48) -19.92c
North Carolina 4.57 0.16 (13) 11.68
North Dakota 3.28 0.44 (47) -19.76c
Ohio 4.38 0.13 (18) 6.96
Oklahoma 4.89 0.24 (05) 19.47c
Oregon 4.25 0.22 (25) 3.82
Pennsylvania 4.24 0.11 (27) 3.53
Rhode Island 3.95 0.39 (34) -3.55
South Carolina 4.22 0.21 (28) 3.08
South Dakota 3.64 0.43 (41) -10.98
Tennessee 4.74 0.19 (08) 15.94c
Texas 3.86 0.09 (38) -5.71
Utah 5.42 0.35 (01) 32.50c
Vermont 5.01 0.58 (04) 22.41c
Virginia 4.31 0.16 (21) 5.24
Washington 4.28 0.17 (22) 4.71
West Virginia 4.62 0.31 (11) 12.89
Wisconsin 3.93 0.17 (35) -3.86
Wyoming 5.11 0.65 (02) 24.97c

Map of U.S. Rates displayed in table above


a US Mortality Files, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rates are per 100,000 and are age-adjusted to the 2000 US Std Population (19 age groups - Census P25-1130).

b Difference between state rate and total U.S. rate is statistically significant (p<=.0002).

c Absolute percent difference between state rate and total U.S. rate is 15% or more.

SE Standard error of the rate.

PD Percent difference between state rate and total U.S. rate.

- Statistic not shown. Rate based on less than 16 cases for the time interval.

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