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Table 32.10

Age-Adjusted SEER Incidencea , by Year and Sex

By Adapted Classification Scheme for Tumors of Adolescents and Young Adultsb

All Races, Ages 30-34

Both Sexes
Site 1975-2010 2001-2010
Count Rate AAPCc Count Rate AAPCc
All Sites Combined 60,192 84.8 0.9* 17,718 90.1 1.3*
1. Leukemias 2,001 2.8 0.5 610 3.1 0.5
2. Lymphomas 6,631 9.3 1.7* 1,850 9.4 1.3
3. CNS, intracranial, intraspinal 2,386 3.4 0.4 683 3.5 0.4
4. Osseous & chondromatous nepolasms 450 0.6 0.7 136 0.7 0.7
5. Soft tissue sarcomas 4,973 7.0 1.4 752 3.8 -0.6
6. Germ cell and trophoblastic neoplasms 4,996 7.0 1.8* 1,568 8.0 0.5
7. Melanoma and skin carcinomas 7,673 10.8 1.5* 2,352 12.0 -0.1
8. Carcinomas (excluding skin) 30,154 42.5 0.6* 9,451 48.0 2.0*
9. Miscellaneous specified neoplasms, NOS 631 0.9 1.6* 222 1.1 1.6*
10. Unspecified malignant neoplasms 296 0.4 1.1 93 0.5 1.1
Site 1975-2010 2001-2010
Count Rate AAPCc Count Rate AAPCc
All Sites Combined 25,085 70.7 1.0* 6,733 68.1 1.0*
1. Leukemias 1,158 3.3 0.6* 347 3.5 0.6*
2. Lymphomas 4,132 11.6 1.9* 1,064 10.8 2.5
3. CNS, intracranial, intraspinal 1,390 3.9 0.3 391 4.0 0.3
4. Osseous & chondromatous nepolasms 246 0.7 0.4 70 0.7 0.4
5. Soft tissue sarcomas 4,023 11.3 1.4 475 4.8 -2.5
6. Germ cell and trophoblastic neoplasms 4,668 13.2 1.9* 1,471 14.9 0.5
7. Melanoma and skin carcinomas 3,090 8.7 0.1 891 9.0 0.1
8. Carcinomas (excluding skin) 6,023 17.0 0.7* 1,891 19.1 3.0*
9. Miscellaneous specified neoplasms, NOS 252 0.7 2.5* 101 1.0 2.5*
10. Unspecified malignant neoplasms 103 0.3 - 32 0.3 -
Site 1975-2010 2001-2010
Count Rate AAPCc Count Rate AAPCc
All Sites Combined 35,107 99.0 0.7* 10,985 112.3 1.5*
1. Leukemias 843 2.4 0.3 263 2.7 0.3
2. Lymphomas 2,499 7.0 1.4* 786 8.0 1.4*
3. CNS, intracranial, intraspinal 996 2.8 0.5 292 3.0 0.5
4. Osseous & chondromatous nepolasms 204 0.6 - 66 0.7 -
5. Soft tissue sarcomas 950 2.7 0.4 277 2.8 0.4
6. Germ cell and trophoblastic neoplasms 328 0.9 0.3 97 1.0 0.3
7. Melanoma and skin carcinomas 4,583 12.9 2.2* 1,461 14.9 1.0*
8. Carcinomas (excluding skin) 24,131 68.1 0.6* 7,560 77.3 1.9*
9. Miscellaneous specified neoplasms, NOS 379 1.1 1.1 121 1.2 1.1
10. Unspecified malignant neoplasms 193 0.5 - 61 0.6 -


Rates are per 100,000 and are age-adjusted to the 2000 US Std Population (19 age groups - Census P25-1130).

a Rates are from the SEER 9 areas (San Francisco, Connecticut, Detroit, Hawaii, Iowa, New Mexico, Seattle, Utah, Atlanta).

b Adapted from: RD Barr, EJ Holowaty, JM Birch. Classification Scheme for tumors diagnosed in adolescents and young adults. Cancer. 106:7; 1425-1430. (Restricted to malignant tumors and updated based on ICD-O-3 definitions).

c The AAPC is the Average Annual Percent Change and is based on the APCs calculated by Joinpoint over the time range of 1975-2010.

- Statistic could not be calculated. Count and rate based on less than 16 cases for the time interval. AAPC could not be calculated due to insufficient data.

* The AAPC is significantly different from zero (p<.05).

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