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Table 14.21

Cancer of the Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct (Invasive)

United States Cancer Prevalence Estimates

Estimated United States Cancer Prevalence Counts a on January 1, 2011
By Race/Ethnicity, Sex and Years Since Diagnosis
Race/Ethnicity Sex Years Since Diagnosis Completeh
0 to <5 5 to <10 10 to <15 15 to <20 20 to <25 25 to <30 0 to <19e 0 to <36e >=36g
All Races b Both Sexes 33,682 7,065 2,521 1,025 580 430 44,415 45,468 474 45,942
Males 24,703 4,859 1,647 591 231 212 31,870 32,312 77 32,389
Females 8,979 2,206 874 434 349 218 12,545 13,156 397 13,553
White b Both Sexes 24,394 5,153 1,799 771 440 348 32,185 33,019 333 33,352
Males 18,015 3,649 1,149 444 157 151 23,289 23,620 210i 23,830
Females 6,379 1,504 650 327 283 197 8,896 9,399 123i 9,522
Black b Both Sexes 5,180 717 175 57 84 37 6,164 6,283 + +
Males 3,811 363 105 12 35 27 4,314 4,364 + +
Females 1,369 354 70 45 49 10 1,850 1,919 + +
Islander c
Both Sexes 3,492 1,064 448 + + + 5,105 + + +
Males 2,458 720 314 + + + 3,566 + + +
Females 1,034 344 134 + + + 1,539 + + +
Hispanic d Both Sexes 4,938 935 317 + + + 6,375 + + +
Males 3,569 649 188 + + + 4,530 + + +
Females 1,369 286 129 + + + 1,845 + + +
Estimated prevalence percent a on January 1, 2011, of the SEERc population diagnosed in the previous 19 years
By Age at Prevalence, Race/Ethnicity and Sex
Race/Ethnicity Sex Age Specific (Crude) Age-Adjustedf
All Ages 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ All Ages
All Races c Both Sexes 0.0163% 0.0028% 0.0024% 0.0010% 0.0017% 0.0063% 0.0340% 0.0583% 0.0633% 0.0413% 0.0152%
Males 0.0235% 0.0034% 0.0024% 0.0013% 0.0021% 0.0089% 0.0552% 0.0924% 0.0887% 0.0634% 0.0227%
Females 0.0093% 0.0022% 0.0024% 0.0007% 0.0013% 0.0037% 0.0138% 0.0274% 0.0428% 0.0284% 0.0085%
White c Both Sexes 0.0134% 0.0031% 0.0025% 0.0010% 0.0013% 0.0049% 0.0296% 0.0471% 0.0417% 0.0269% 0.0119%
Males 0.0195% 0.0037% 0.0026% 0.0012% 0.0014% 0.0066% 0.0476% 0.0749% 0.0582% 0.0422% 0.0177%
Females 0.0075% 0.0026% 0.0024% 0.0007% 0.0012% 0.0031% 0.0119% 0.0211% 0.0281% 0.0178% 0.0066%
Black c Both Sexes 0.0135% - 0.0009% 0.0015% 0.0022% 0.0043% 0.0351% 0.0758% 0.0511% 0.0263% 0.0146%
Males 0.0198% - 0.0012% 0.0019% 0.0028% 0.0062% 0.0555% 0.1266% 0.0746% 0.0415% 0.0228%
Females 0.0077% - - - 0.0017% 0.0026% 0.0174% 0.0357% 0.0347% 0.0191% 0.0081%
Islander c
Both Sexes 0.0340% 0.0026% 0.0033% 0.0007% 0.0033% 0.0156% 0.0557% 0.1115% 0.1920% 0.1436% 0.0343%
Males 0.0492% 0.0039% 0.0025% 0.0012% 0.0052% 0.0243% 0.0978% 0.1769% 0.2762% 0.2101% 0.0525%
Females 0.0202% - 0.0040% - 0.0016% 0.0079% 0.0195% 0.0573% 0.1273% 0.1027% 0.0197%
Hispanic d Both Sexes 0.0127% 0.0035% 0.0024% 0.0008% 0.0009% 0.0069% 0.0438% 0.0786% 0.0746% 0.0636% 0.0193%
Males 0.0178% 0.0044% 0.0027% 0.0009% 0.0007% 0.0103% 0.0727% 0.1258% 0.0974% 0.1028% 0.0293%
Females 0.0075% 0.0027% 0.0022% 0.0008% 0.0011% 0.0034% 0.0162% 0.0383% 0.0577% 0.0403% 0.0109%


a US 2011 cancer prevalence counts are based on 2011 cancer prevalence proportions from the SEER registries and 1/1/2011 US population estimates based on the average of 2010 and 2011 population estimates from the US Bureau of the Census. Prevalence was calculated using the First Malignant Primary Only for a person.

b Statistics based on SEER 9 Areas.

c Statistics based on SEER 11 Areas and Rural Georgia

d Statistics based on NHIA for Hispanic for SEER 11 Areas and Rural Georgia.

e Maximum limited-duration prevalence: 36 years for 1975-2011 SEER 9 data; 19 years for 1992-2011 SEER 11 data (used to calculate prevalence for Hispanics and Asian Pacific Islanders).

f Percentages are age-adjusted to the 2000 US Standard Population (19 age groups - Census P25-1130) by 5-year age groups.

g Cases diagnosed more than 36 years ago were estimated using the completeness index method (Capocaccia et. al. 1997, Merrill et. al. 2000).

h Complete prevalence is obtained by summing 0 to <36 and >=36.

i Age-specific completeness index was approximated using empirical data from historical Connecticut tumor registry.

- Statistic not shown. Statistic based on fewer than 5 cases estimated alive in SEER for the time interval.

+ Not available.

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