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Table 27.21

Cancer of the Urinary Bladder (Invasive and In Situ)

United States Cancer Prevalence Estimates

Estimated United States Cancer Prevalence Counts a on January 1, 2013
By Race/Ethnicity, Sex and Years Since Diagnosis
Race/Ethnicity Sex Years Since Diagnosis Completeh
0 to <5 5 to <10 10 to <15 15 to <20 20 to <25 25 to <30 0 to <21e 0 to <38e >=38g
All Races b Both Sexes 203,937 140,089 94,287 62,385 37,347 22,853 525,220 578,563 8,863 587,426
Males 154,968 105,240 70,014 45,589 27,601 16,956 393,949 432,356 5,712 438,068
Females 48,969 34,849 24,273 16,796 9,746 5,897 131,271 146,207 3,151 149,358
White b Both Sexes 185,397 129,466 88,061 58,758 35,511 21,630 484,832 535,590 6,980 542,570
Males 141,682 97,696 65,571 42,906 26,240 15,989 365,004 401,493 4,407 405,900
Females 43,715 31,770 22,490 15,852 9,271 5,641 119,828 134,097 2,573 136,670
Black b Both Sexes 10,121 5,389 3,603 2,124 1,104 792 22,057 23,605 158 23,763
Males 7,173 3,625 2,368 1,599 791 658 15,307 16,483 129 16,612
Females 2,948 1,764 1,235 525 313 134 6,750 7,122 29 7,151
Islander c
Both Sexes 3,918 2,595 1,376 + + + 8,879 + + +
Males 2,973 1,998 1,038 + + + 6,739 + + +
Females 945 597 338 + + + 2,140 + + +
Hispanic d Both Sexes 8,143 5,179 3,082 + + + 18,583 + + +
Males 6,039 3,950 2,274 + + + 13,843 + + +
Females 2,104 1,229 808 + + + 4,740 + + +
Estimated prevalence percent a on January 1, 2013, of the SEERc population diagnosed in the previous 21 years
By Age at Prevalence, Race/Ethnicity and Sex
Race/Ethnicity Sex Age Specific (Crude) Age-Adjustedf
All Ages 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ All Ages
All Races c Both Sexes 0.1372% 0.0003% 0.0004% 0.0015% 0.0068% 0.0266% 0.1080% 0.3510% 0.8108% 1.2231% 0.1320%
Males 0.2098% 0.0003% 0.0005% 0.0019% 0.0096% 0.0397% 0.1691% 0.5737% 1.3877% 2.3637% 0.2306%
Females 0.0665% 0.0002% 0.0002% 0.0010% 0.0040% 0.0136% 0.0494% 0.1499% 0.3408% 0.5416% 0.0574%
White c Both Sexes 0.1657% 0.0002% 0.0004% 0.0016% 0.0082% 0.0315% 0.1223% 0.4019% 0.9379% 1.3573% 0.1502%
Males 0.2514% - 0.0006% 0.0022% 0.0113% 0.0455% 0.1885% 0.6467% 1.5860% 2.6237% 0.2596%
Females 0.0803% 0.0003% - 0.0009% 0.0048% 0.0169% 0.0568% 0.1730% 0.3958% 0.5910% 0.0654%
Black c Both Sexes 0.0516% - - 0.0011% 0.0034% 0.0152% 0.0661% 0.1892% 0.3745% 0.5758% 0.0659%
Males 0.0760% - - - 0.0053% 0.0258% 0.1071% 0.3243% 0.6406% 1.0403% 0.1141%
Females 0.0293% - - 0.0015% 0.0016% 0.0060% 0.0303% 0.0837% 0.1887% 0.3473% 0.0336%
Islander c
Both Sexes 0.0593% - - - 0.0026% 0.0090% 0.0495% 0.1439% 0.3314% 0.6678% 0.0598%
Males 0.0932% - - - 0.0034% 0.0150% 0.0830% 0.2477% 0.5933% 1.2399% 0.1073%
Females 0.0282% - - - 0.0018% 0.0037% 0.0206% 0.0586% 0.1278% 0.3174% 0.0255%
Hispanic d Both Sexes 0.0357% - - 0.0012% 0.0037% 0.0144% 0.0521% 0.1622% 0.3861% 0.6519% 0.0658%
Males 0.0525% - - 0.0016% 0.0050% 0.0192% 0.0807% 0.2599% 0.6959% 1.2539% 0.1166%
Females 0.0186% - - 0.0007% 0.0024% 0.0094% 0.0247% 0.0779% 0.1565% 0.2895% 0.0294%


a US 2013 cancer prevalence counts are based on 2013 cancer prevalence proportions from the SEER registries and 1/1/2013 US population estimates based on the average of 2012 and 2013 population estimates from the US Bureau of the Census. Prevalence was calculated using the First Malignant Primary Only for a person.

b Statistics based on SEER 9 Areas.

c Statistics based on SEER 13 Areas excluding the Alaska Native Registry

d Statistics based on NHIA for Hispanic for SEER 13 Areas excluding the Alaska Native Registry.

e Maximum limited-duration prevalence: 38 years for 1975-2013 SEER 9 data; 21 years for 1992-2013 SEER 13 data (excluding the Alaska Navtive Registry) used to calculate prevalence for Hispanics and Asian Pacific Islanders.

f Percentages are age-adjusted to the 2000 US Standard Population (19 age groups - Census P25-1130) by 5-year age groups.

g Cases diagnosed more than 38 years ago were estimated using the completeness index method (Capocaccia et. al. 1997, Merrill et. al. 2000).

h Complete prevalence is obtained by summing 0 to <38 and >=38.

i Age-specific completeness index was approximated using empirical data from historical Connecticut tumor registry.

- Statistic not shown. Statistic based on fewer than 5 cases estimated alive in SEER for the time interval.

+ Not available.

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