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Table 20.28

Cancer of the Oral Cavity and Pharynx (Invasive)

Percent Distribution and Counts by Histology among Histologically Confirmed Cases, 2010-2014
All Races, Both Sexes, by site

Histologya Oral Cavity
and Pharynx
Lip Tongue Salivary Gland Floor of Mouth
Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent
Epidermoid carcinomab (8051-8131) 44,599 85.2% 2,931 94.4% 15,420 97.5% 1,239 21.7% 2,383 95.8%
Squamous cell carcinoma (8070-8078,8083-8084) 43,561 83.2% 2,814 90.6% 15,151 95.8% 1,186 20.8% 2,357 94.8%
Adenocarcinomac 5,098 9.7% 122 3.9% 203 1.3% 3,561 62.4% 75 3.0%
Other specific carcinomas d 458 0.9% - - 38 0.2% 266 4.7% - -
Unspecified, Carcinoma, NOS (8010-8011,8020-8022) 1,563 3.0% - - 82 0.5% 431 7.5% - -
Sarcoma and soft tissuee 169 0.3% - - 22 0.1% 36 0.6% - -
Other specific typesf 284 0.5% 24 0.8% - - 119 2.1% - -
Unspecified (8000-8005) 203 0.4% - - 43 0.3% 58 1.0% - -
Total 52,375 100.0% 3,106 100.0% 15,821 100.0% 5,710 100.0% 2,487 100.0%

Percent Distribution and Counts by Histology among Histologically Confirmed Cases, 2010-2014
All Races, Both Sexes, by site

Histologya Gum and
Other Mouth
Nasopharynx Oropharynx
and Tonsil
Hypopharynx Other
Oral Cavity
and Pharynx
Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent
Epidermoid carcinomab (8051-8131) 5,653 82.3% 1,804 64.6% 11,523 98.0% 2,698 97.6% 948 89.1%
Squamous cell carcinoma (8070-8078,8083-8084) 5,385 78.4% 1,662 59.5% 11,387 96.8% 2,683 97.1% 936 88.0%
Adenocarcinomac 972 14.2% 72 2.6% 62 0.5% - - 19 1.8%
Other specific carcinomasd 30 0.4% 42 1.5% 40 0.3% - - - -
Unspecified, Carcinoma, NOS (8010-8011,8020-8022) 61 0.9% 808 29.0% 92 0.8% 24 0.9% 46 4.3%
Sarcoma and soft tissuee 35 0.5% 32 1.1% - - - - - -
Other specific typesf 97 1.4% - - - - - - - -
Unspecified (8000-8005) 20 0.3% 18 0.6% 26 0.2% - - 27 2.5%
Total 6,869 100.0% 2,791 100.0% 11,763 100.0% 2,764 100.0% 1,064 100.0%


Source: SEER 18 areas (San Francisco, Connecticut, Detroit, Hawaii, Iowa, New Mexico, Seattle, Utah, Atlanta, San Jose-Monterey, Los Angeles, Alaska Native Registry, Rural Georgia, California excluding SF/SJM/LA, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey and Georgia excluding ATL/RG). Percents may not sum to 100 due to rounding.

a Excludes Kaposi Sarcoma, mesothelioma, lymphomas, leukemias, myelomas, lymphoreticular, and immunoproliferative diseases.

b Epidermoid carcinoma includes squamous, basal, and transitional cell carcinomas.

c Adenocarcinoma includes histologies 8050, 8140-8147, 8160-8162, 8180-8221, 8250-8507, 8514, 8520-8551, 8560, 8570-8574, 8576, 8940-8941.

d Other specific carcinomas includes histologies 8012-8015, 8030-8046, 8150-8155, 8170-8180, 8230-8249, 8508, 8510-8513, 8561-8562, 8575, 8580-8671

e Sarcoma and soft tissue includes histologies 8680-8713, 8800-8921, 8990-8991, 9040-9044, 9120-9136, 9150-9252, 9370-9373, 9540-9582.

f Other specific types includes histologies 8720-8790, 8930-8936, 8950-8983, 9060-9110, 9260-9365, 9380-9539.

- Statistic not shown due to fewer than 16 cases during the time period.

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