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Table 23.15

Cancer of the Prostate (Invasive)

United States Cancer Prevalence Estimates

Estimated United States Cancer Prevalence Counts a on January 1, 2016
By Race/Ethnicity and Years Since Diagnosis

Race/Ethnicity Years Since Diagnosis Completee
0 to <5 5 to <10 10 to <15 15 to <20 20 to <24 0 to <24b >=24d
All Races 925,846 945,574 660,380 387,565 150,033 3,069,398 41,006 3,110,403
White 724,023 764,898 550,849 327,374 129,883 2,497,026 44,331 2,628,705
Black 138,607 128,648 83,217 46,936 16,450 413,858 4,779 418,637
Asian/Pacific Islander 21,563 19,811 12,673 5,940 1,897 61,883 + +
Hispanic 60,114 54,746 36,830 17,966 6,233 175,889 + +

Estimated prevalence percent a on January 1, 2016, of the SEER population diagnosed in the previous 24 years
By Age at Prevalence and Race/Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Age Specific (Crude) Age-Adjustedc
All Ages 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ All Ages
All Races 1.9347 0.0001 0.0002 0.0002 0.0010 0.0692 1.0107 5.0637 12.8866 17.5576 1.8440
White 1.9984 0.0002 0.0003 0.0003 0.0008 0.0538 0.8859 4.7049 12.3728 17.0503 1.7533
Black 1.9131 - - 0.0002 0.0021 0.1784 1.9464 8.3071 18.4946 22.5283 2.7086
Asian/Pacific Islander 0.6344 - - - - 0.0130 0.2989 1.9809 5.7864 9.5868 0.8474
Hispanic 0.6095 0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 0.0006 0.0334 0.5553 3.2066 9.3286 13.5466 1.3218


a US 2016 cancer prevalence counts are based on 2016 cancer prevalence proportions from the SEER 13 Areas (excluding the Alaska Native Registry) and 1/1/2016 US population estimates based on the average of 2015 and 2016 population estimates from the US Bureau of the Census. Prevalence was calculated using the first invasive tumor for each cancer site diagnosed during the previous 24 years.

b Maximum limited-duration prevalence is 24 years for 1992-2016 data.

c Percentages are age-adjusted to the 2000 US Standard Population (19 age groups - Census P25-1130) by 5-year age groups.

d Cases diagnosed more than 24 years ago were estimated using the completeness index method (Capocaccia et. al. 1997, Merrill et. al. 2000).

e Complete prevalence is obtained by summing 0 to <24 and >=24.

- Statistic not shown. Statistic based on fewer than 5 cases estimated alive in SEER for the time interval.

+ Not available.

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