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Table A.3

Number of Deaths, 2012-2016

By Primary Cancer Site, Race and Sex

United States

Counts for All Races, Whites, Blacks

Cancer Site All Races Whites Blacks
Both Sexes Males Females Both Sexes Males Females Both Sexes Males Females
Oral Cavity & Pharynx 47,102 33,290 13,812 39,601 27,889 11,712 5,475 4,002 1,473
Esophagus 74,943 59,885 15,058 66,705 53,948 12,757 6,498 4,593 1,905
Stomach 56,526 33,788 22,738 41,630 25,010 16,620 10,029 6,073 3,956
Colon & Rectum 259,662 136,380 123,282 214,846 113,013 101,833 34,959 18,219 16,740
Liver & IBDa 124,031 83,743 40,288 97,463 65,482 31,981 17,395 12,150 5,245
Pancreas 202,583 103,617 98,966 170,912 88,627 82,285 24,539 11,591 12,948
Larynx 18,777 14,997 3,780 15,271 12,154 3,117 3,120 2,515 605
Lung & Bronchus 771,712 421,626 350,086 666,644 361,325 305,319 82,607 47,638 34,969
Melanoma of the skin 45,042 29,649 15,393 44,025 29,131 14,894 654 337 317
Breast 208,492 2,261 206,231 170,305 1,833 168,472 31,527 385 31,142
Cervix uteri 20,769 - 20,769 15,814 - 15,814 3,904 - 3,904
Corpus & Uterus, NOS 48,792 - 48,792 37,700 - 37,700 9,333 - 9,333
Ovary 71,018 - 71,018 61,759 - 61,759 6,684 - 6,684
Prostate 142,486 142,486 - 115,646 115,646 - 23,566 23,566 -
Testis 1,985 1,985 - 1,796 1,796 - 113 113 -
Urinary bladder 79,677 56,999 22,678 72,181 52,446 19,735 5,942 3,488 2,454
Kidney & Renal pelvis 69,631 45,440 24,191 60,919 39,836 21,083 6,668 4,260 2,408
Brain & ONSa 79,718 44,805 34,913 72,180 40,720 31,460 5,226 2,845 2,381
Thyroid 9,308 4,219 5,089 7,858 3,701 4,157 912 304 608
Hodgkin lymphoma 5,417 3,138 2,279 4,709 2,734 1,975 562 321 241
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 101,310 56,398 44,912 90,258 50,450 39,808 7,517 4,004 3,513
Myeloma 60,231 32,791 27,440 47,736 26,662 21,074 10,909 5,264 5,645
Leukemia 116,556 67,342 49,214 103,119 60,041 43,078 9,957 5,316 4,641
Acute lymphocytic 7,346 4,201 3,145 6,329 3,655 2,674 652 348 304
Chronic lymphocytic 22,147 13,396 8,751 20,192 12,231 7,961 1,733 1,022 711
Acute myeloid 49,539 28,237 21,302 43,563 25,098 18,465 4,090 2,074 2,016
Chronic myeloid 5,297 3,014 2,283 4,632 2,641 1,991 533 296 237
All others 32,227 18,494 13,733 28,403 16,416 11,987 2,949 1,576 1,373
All Sites 2,953,115 1,552,879 1,400,236 2,509,474 1,327,034 1,182,440 344,428 175,109 169,319

Counts for Asians/Pacific Islanders, American Indians/Alaska Natives, Hispanics

Cancer Site Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaska Nativeb Hispanicc
Both Sexes Males Females Both Sexes Males Females Both Sexes Males Females
Oral Cavity & Pharynx 1,774 1,209 565 192 146 46 2,524 1,819 705
Esophagus 1,343 1,025 318 286 224 62 3,287 2,662 625
Stomach 4,363 2,399 1,964 397 244 153 8,496 4,772 3,724
Colon & Rectum 8,208 4,257 3,951 1,234 670 564 18,093 10,233 7,860
Liver & IBDa 7,971 5,317 2,654 907 589 318 15,468 10,317 5,151
Pancreas 6,137 2,898 3,239 686 353 333 13,221 6,633 6,588
Larynx 271 234 37 68 59 - 1,094 983 111
Lung & Bronchus 18,468 10,499 7,969 2,651 1,399 1,252 27,329 16,219 11,110
Melanoma of the skin 288 139 149 53 31 22 1,185 701 484
Breast 5,698 38 5,660 644 - 643 13,909 111 13,798
Cervix uteri 874 - 874 142 - 142 2,771 - 2,771
Corpus & Uterus, NOS 1,534 - 1,534 167 - 167 3,617 - 3,617
Ovary 2,189 - 2,189 286 - 286 4,876 - 4,876
Prostate 2,567 2,567 - 501 501 - 8,729 8,729 -
Testis 43 43 - 27 27 - 388 388 -
Urinary bladder 1,309 898 411 165 109 56 3,196 2,203 993
Kidney & Renal pelvis 1,474 969 505 452 297 155 5,688 3,698 1,990
Brain & ONSa 1,980 1,048 932 222 123 99 5,650 3,044 2,606
Thyroid 485 190 295 36 16 20 980 387 593
Hodgkin lymphoma 127 72 55 - - - 662 379 283
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 3,113 1,695 1,418 313 186 127 7,398 4,157 3,241
Myeloma 1,290 716 574 223 107 116 4,180 2,263 1,917
Leukemia 3,006 1,702 1,304 338 202 136 8,312 4,638 3,674
Acute lymphocytic 292 161 131 59 29 30 1,710 994 716
Chronic lymphocytic 179 115 64 25 18 - 634 373 261
Acute myeloid 1,678 942 736 146 85 61 3,310 1,778 1,532
Chronic myeloid 110 63 47 - - - 408 255 153
All others 747 421 326 93 58 35 2,250 1,238 1,012
All Sites 83,166 42,195 40,971 11,466 6,051 5,415 182,807 95,610 87,197


Source: US Mortality Files, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

a IBD = Intrahepatic Bile Duct. ONS = Other Nervous System.

b Mortality data for American Indian/Alaska Native are based on the Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Area (PRCDA) counties.

c Hispanic is not mutually exclusive from whites, blacks, Asian/Pacific Islanders, and American Indians/Alaska Natives.

- Count not shown due to fewer than 16 cases during the time period.

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