A compendium of statistical trends and risk factors associated with childhood cancers is available here. The NCI monograph, Cancer Incidence and Survival among Children and Adolescents: United States SEER Program, 1975-1995, is intended to aid researchers in the search for answers about these rare cancers.
Childhood cancers vary by type of histology, site of disease origin, race, sex, and age. To explain this spectrum of different malignancies, the monograph details incidence, mortality, survival, and demographic trends for individual primary sites and histologic groupings in 11 separate chapters. Additional chapters are dedicated to infants, adolescents ages 15 to 19 years, and mortality rates. Overall trends combining all cancer sites are included.
This monograph was published in 1999 by the Surveillance Research Program of the NCI. The monograph is provided in PDF format.
Download the Report
Cancer Incidence and Survival Among Children and Adolescents Monograph (PDF, 892 KB)
Suggested Citation
Ries LAG, Smith MA, Gurney JG, Linet M, Tamra T, Young JL, Bunin GR (eds). Cancer Incidence and Survival among Children and Adolescents: United States SEER Program 1975-1995, National Cancer Institute, SEER Program. NIH Pub. No. 99-4649. Bethesda, MD, 1999.
Citation for a chapter should also include the chapter authors and chapter title.
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