An official website of the United States government

Options for a Rate Matrix


Matrix options allow you to choose the statistics, variables, and features displayed in the results matrix. To access the Matrix Options dialog for a Rate results matrix, first click on the matrix window to make sure it is active, then open the Matrix menu and select Options.


This text box contains the title you entered for the matrix on the session's Output tab. The first line of the title is displayed in the matrix window. Edit the text in this box to change the title.

Delay Statistics

This section can only be used when your database has Delay Factors. It allows you to display or hide delay statistics stored in the results matrix. Check boxes are shown for all possible Delay Statistics in a Rate Matrix, but only those that are in the matrix can be changed. The statistics selected here are displayed in the columns of the matrix.


This section allows you to display or hide statistics stored in the results matrix. Check boxes are shown for all possible Statistics in a Rate Matrix, but only those that are in the matrix can be changed. For example, if you did not select confidence intervals on the session's Statistic tab, then its box cannot be selected. The statistics selected here are displayed in the columns of the matrix.

Display Titles

Check this box to include the title in the matrix. If there is no title, this option is disabled.

Display Flags

Flags are symbols displayed in a matrix cell to indicate that a footnote applies to that cell. Flags displayed in a matrix window will be included in data copied to another application using the Windows clipboard, and in exported data files for that matrix. You should uncheck the Display Flags option if you are copying or exporting the data to an application that is not expecting character data. When this option is unchecked, Display Footnotes is automatically unchecked and disabled.

Display Footnotes

Footnotes are displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the matrix window. Footnotes are specific to the page being displayed. A flag, or footnote character, is displayed in the cells to which the corresponding footnotes pertain. Footnotes are used for various reasons, including to describe specific calculations, indicate data sources, provide an explanation for empty cells, and show the results of significance testing. If a test is performed, the footnote is displayed in the status bar regardless of whether or not any cells on the page contain the footnote's flag character.

Hide Zero Count Rows

Use this option to suppress the display of rows which have a value of zero in the Count column. A row is only hidden if all counts for that row are zero on all pages in the matrix. For example, consider a matrix with cancer site as a row variable and sex as a page variable. The value for prostate cancer will equal zero on the female page, but checking Hide Zero Count Rows will not suppress this row because the row has a non-zero value on the male page.

Hide Trend Statistics

Statistics related to trends are displayed in the rows of a matrix. These include the percent change, annual percent change, and the rates on which the trends are based.
