The Cancer Statistics Review (CSR) report previously presented statistics on 29 primary sites and subsites, organized into site-specific chapters. Starting from April 15, 2021, the site-specific cancer statistics are only available within SEER*Explorer, an interactive website that provides a wide range of statistics on incidence, mortality, survival, and prevalence for specific cancer sites. Use SEER*Explorer to obtain detailed cancer statistics presented by age, sex, race and ethnicity, and cancer stage at diagnosis information. Information on tumor biomarkers or morphology is also presented for a selected number of cancer sites. The five chapters that are currently available with this year’s CSR are:

  1. Overview
  2. Childhood Cancer by the ICCC
  3. Adolescent and Young Adult Cancers
  4. Cause-specific Survival
  5. Soft Tissue Sarcomas

Use the Browse the Tables and Figures section to access the statistics in HTML and comma-delimited formats.

On this page:

Contents in PDF

The files on this page are provided in PDF format to retain the specialized formatting for print, but may not be accessible to people using screen readers.


CSR Chapters



Suggested Citation

Howlader N, Noone AM, Krapcho M, Miller D, Brest A, Yu M, Ruhl J, Tatalovich Z, Mariotto A, Lewis DR, Chen HS, Feuer EJ, Cronin KA (eds). SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2018, National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, MD,, based on November 2020 SEER data submission, posted to the SEER web site, April 2021.

All material in this report is in the public domain and may be reproduced or copied without permission; citation as to source, however, is appreciated.

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