An official website of the United States government

Pair Difference (PD)


The Pair Difference in health between two groups is the simple arithmetic difference.  It is calculated as:

$${PD} = \mu_{k} - \mu_{l}$$

where \(\mu_{k}\) and \(\mu_{l}\) are health the average health status in two chosen social groups.  In this case \(\mu_{l}\) serves as the reference group.  \({PD}\) is similar to the Range Difference (RD) but the user selects the reference group and the comparison group.

Point Estimator of \(\widehat{PD}\)

A survey design consistent estimator is

$$\widehat{PD} = \mu_{k} - \mu_{l}$$



Variance and Confidence Intervals of \(\widehat{PD}\)

The variance for \(\widehat{PD}\) is:

where \(Z_{h\alpha}={\sum}_{i=1}^{n_{h\alpha}}w_{h\alpha{i}}z_{h\alpha{i}},\) \(\overline{Z}_{h}=\frac{{1}}{t_{h}}{\sum}_{\alpha=1}^{t_{h}}Z_{h\alpha},\) and



$$\left(\frac{{\partial}\widehat{PD}}{{\partial}\widehat{\mu}_{k}}, \frac{{\partial}\widehat{PD}}{{\partial}\widehat{\mu}_{l}}\right)=\left(1,-1\right)$$


The 95% confidence intervals of \(\widehat{PD}\) are:

