An official website of the United States government

Tutorial 1


Importing SEER*Stat Data

The most common method for importing data into the Health Disparities Calculator (HD*Calc) is to use a SEER*Stat export dictionary and associated data file.  

  1. Before starting HD*Calc, use SEER*Stat to create age-adjusted rates or survival statistics and export the resulting matrix. Two files will be created: one is a dictionary file (.dic) that describes the data and the other is a text file containing the data. Refer to the tutorials on preparing input data files for help with this step.
  2. To import the data exported from SEER*Stat, launch HD*Calc and select Open... from the File Menu. You will be prompted for a dictionary (*.dic) file.
  3. When your file is opened, you will be taken to the HD*Calc Data Import dialog where you will provide all the information needed to identify the fields in your input file.
    1. In the edit box at the top please provide a Title for your input data. This title will be displayed with the resulting disparity measures.
    2. Use the Dictionary File edit box to select a file for storing your data input specifications.
    3. The checkbox indicating that your Data File Contains Column Headers will be checked if headers were exported with your data.
    4. The Statistics are Sorted by All Variables In Their Order boxhas been checked by default and is disabled. This will speed up retrieval of records during computation.
    5. Select Fields Are Character Delimited and choose the appropriate Delimiter for your text file.
    6. Your fields should have the correct field type by default, but you can select them individually (one field at a time) and press the Change button to the right to view the details.
    7. Click OK.
  4. You will be reminded that some disparity measures apply only to groups that have an inherent ranking, such as by income or education. 
  5. Select Ok. HD*Calc will automatically calculate the corresponding values for each of the disparity's measures. You are now ready to view the information contained under each tab heading.