An official website of the United States government

Survival Summary Used for Lost Cases


If this option on the Output tab is checked, one page with one row per survival cohort will be generated.


  • Alive at Start - number of people with a tumor matching the selection and survival cohort definition
  • Alive at Prevalence Date
  • Lost Prior to Prevalence Date
  • Last Used Monthly Interval - the interval for this survival cohort that was the last interval used for estimating the probability of survival for a lost case on the prevalence tables.
  • Alive Last Used Monthly Interval - the number people for the survival cohort that were still alive at the start of the Last Used Monthly Interval
  • Average Alive Per Interval Used - each time an interval is used in estimating the probability of survival for a lost case the number alive at the start of the interval is added to the numerator and one is added to the denominator
  • Average Alive Per Last Interval Used - each time an interval is used as the last interval in estimating the probability of survival for a lost case the number alive at the start of the interval is added to the numerator and one is added to the denominator