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SEER*DMS Newsletter Submission



The SEER*DMS newsletter aims to inform the SEER*DMS community about ongoing initiatives, best practices, upcoming events, software updates, and other topics.

Cancer registries are the bedrock of SEER*DMS initiatives. For this reason, registry input and collaboration is important for information sharing and advancing cancer surveillance. This input can come in the form of newsletter articles on topics ranging from your SEER*DMS best practices and SEER*DMS initiatives related to your registry to descriptions of SEER*DMS quality assurance processes and more.

SEER*DMS community members are welcome at any time to submit a summary of an article they would like featured in an upcoming SEER*DMS newsletter. Please note that published submissions will be made available via the SEER*DMS Plone portal. If we receive more submissions than we can publish in an upcoming quarterly newsletter, we will create a backlog of other submissions and reach out when there is availability in upcoming newsletter editions.


If you have any questions about newsletter submissions, please email


What kind of articles are appropriate for the SEER*DMS newsletter?

  • Descriptions of SEER*DMS best practices or quality assurance processes
  • Summaries of SEER*DMS-related initiatives
  • Feature articles about your registry (photos are welcome)
  • Other SEER*DMS topics of interest

Please note that registry staff indicated they are interested in learning more about the following topics, which would be useful information for the newsletter:

  • How to get responses from hospital personnel regarding special cases
  • How registries review the work of newer staff in SEER*DMS
  • Best practices on casefinding
  • Best practices on registry workflow
  • Best practices on follow-up practices
  • How to get physicians to respond to requests for more information on lab-only reports
  • SEER*DMS-related NAACCR data, ICD-O-3 data