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Fixing Invalid Variables


When a saved session is opened or a new database is selected, it is possible for variables that were valid in the past to become invalid by not being in the current database or having invalid values because the values have changed. When that happens, the Invalid Session Variable Definitions dialog will open to allow you make corrections so you can use or delete the variable. The top box in the dialog lists all of the:

  • invalid variables.
  • their base variables (if they exist).
  • the location of the variable in the session (e.g., in the table).
  • the problem or status that makes the variables invalid (e.g., invalid values or variables not in the database).

The Invalid Session Variable Definitions dialog allows you to edit, fix or delete variables that are invalid. The Fix button allows you to remove invalid values while keeping valid values. The Edit button allows you to change a variable's definition to correct it.

When you select a variable, the buttons that are not available for that variable are grayed out. The Grouping Name and Problem/Value of the selected variable appears in the Invalid Values box.  If a similar variable name exists in the database, the Fix button is available to allow you to make small changes to resolve the problem.

Fixing an Invalid Variable in a Selection Statement

  1. Select the variable you want to fix. The variable will be highlighted and the Edit button will become active.
  2. Select the Edit button. The Selection Statement dialog will open.
  3. Highlight the line you want to change in the selection statement and make the corrections as needed.
  4. To complete the fix, select the OK button on the Selection Statement dialog. The dialog will close and the variable's Problem/Status will change to Ok/Resolved.

Fixing a Variable that is not in the Database

  1. Select the variable you want to fix. The variable will be highlighted and the Edit, Fix and Delete buttons will become active.
  2. Select the Fix button. The Base Variable Selection dialog will open.
  3. Highlight the correct variable name in the Select Field box at the top left of the dialog to redefine or rename the invalid variable. The Field Values box will fill with the values of the selected variable.
  4. Select the OK/Edit button. The Edit Variable dialog for the selected variable will open showing the Groupings and Values.
  5. Add or remove values as necessary. Use the Add, Add All, or Add Rest buttons, or use the Update button to redefine a grouping.
  6. To complete the fix select the OK button on the Edit Variable dialog. The dialog will close and the variable's Problem/Status will change to Ok/Resolved.

Fixing a Variable with Invalid Values

  1. Select the variable you want to fix. The variable will be highlighted and the Edit, Fix, and Delete buttons will become active.
  2. Select the Fix button. A dialog will open giving you a list of values that will drop.
  3. Select OK. The Edit Variable dialog will open.
  4. Add or remove values as necessary. Use the Add, Add All, or Add Rest buttons, or use the Update button to redefine a grouping.
  5. To complete the fix select the OK button. The dialog will close and the variable's Problem/Status will change to Ok/Resolved.

Editing a Variable with Invalid Values

  1. Select the variable you want to edit. The variable will be highlighted and the Edit button will become active.
  2. Select the Edit button to open the Edit Variable dialog. A Selection dialog will open with a list of possible variables. If this is a merged variable, the Edit Merged Variable dialog will open instead.
  3. Make changes to the variable definition as needed.
  4. To complete the fix select the OK button. The dialog will close and the variable's Problem/Status will change to Ok/Resolved.
