The Health Drivers Calculator (HD*Calc) uses data generated in SEER*Stat or imported data to calculate any of 13 disparity measurements. The results are displayed as tables and charts, which may be exported for use in other applications.
The rates exported from SEER*Stat or imported from a text or CSV file are used to calculate two types of disparity measures and two pair comparison measures:
- Absolute Disparity, which includes Range Difference (RD), Between Group Variance (BGV), Extended Absolute Concentration Index (eACI), and Slope Index of Inequality (SII).
- Relative Disparity, which includes Range Ratio (RR), Index of Disparity (IDisp), Mean Log Deviation (MLD), Extended Relative Concentration Index (eRCI), Theil Index (T), Relative Index of Inequality (RII), and Kunst Mackenbach Relative Index (KMI).
- Pair Comparison Measures, which include Pair Difference and Pair Ratio.
To calculate and view disparity measures, use the File menu to find and open a SEER*Stat export dictionary file (and its associated data file) or another type of text file. Once the files are opened, the data will be imported into HD*Calc and displayed in the main tabbed dialog. Use the tabs to select the disparity measure you wish to view.