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September 2017 CCB Agenda

  1.   SEER*DMS F2F Meeting Summary and Key Findings
    • Update on F2F Findings (Marina Matatova)
    • Discussion
  2.   Improving CCB Communication
    • The new SEER*DMS Portal
    •  CCB Notification List and CCB Workgroup lists.
    •  Group discussion of communication methods (preferences, constraints, etc).
  3.   Announcements
    • The California registries have now joined CCB!!!   CA registry staff will be attending CCB meetings and will join workgroups.
  4.   Workgroup Updates
    • Claims.    Chair:  Kevin Ward.   This workgroup includes members from 6 registries, NCI, and IMS.
    • MU2.  Chair:  Brent Mumphrey.   This workgroup includes members from 9 registries, NCI, and IMS.
    • Auto-consolidation.   Co-chairs:  Frances Ross and Bobbi Matt.  This workgroup includes members from 11 registries, NCI, and IMS.
    • Registry managers will maintain workgroup membership for their registry (new feature - coming soon in SEER*DMS).    Review the current workgroup membership lists.
  5. Usability Efforts (Marina Matatova)
  6. Highlights -- The following are features recently released in SEER*DMS.   Use the links below to submit questions or comments; or to read more detail about these changes.
    • Implemented a feature to support alias addresses.  Go to Squish 5563 to view more information or provide feedback.
    • Ability to exclude users from task assignment lists.   This was done to allow registries to exclude local IT or IMS developers who have accounts for problem solving, but do not provide support directly related to worklist tasks.  Go to Squish 5565 to view more information or provide feedback.
    • Implemented an API to execute Natural Language Processing algorithms being developed by the Department of Energy.
    • Site, histology, behavior can be set when creating a Patient Set Follow-back Need that is not linked to a CTC.  If it is linked to a CTC then the values from the CTC are used.
    • Results from the SEER Multiple Primary rules (MP/H) are shown in the record's information popup.  This is only shown for linked records.   Results are shown for the CTC to which the record is linked first; and then other CTCs.    This allows users to see it when linking records in Dx Info.
  7.  Changes and New Features in Design or Development:
    • In this month's CCB meeting, we will talk about the process for bringing medium-size projects to production.   This will start with two projects that IMS is defining:   improvements to the worklist and filters;  and changes to the way that records and "pre-records (claims)"  link to treatment procedures.  Watch for more information in Squish and the next CCB meeting.
  8.  Reminders
    • Submission is coming soon.   Final edits are live in SEER*DMS now (v17.81).  The edits system task was executed in all registries when the edits were released.  A new version of the SEER*Edits software will be released soon.
    • The NAACCR geocoding workgroup recommendations and the impact on SEER registries.    SEER*DMS or an external tool can be used to re-geocode, per registry requirements.
  9. Other topics?   Please send topics for this month or a future meeting to Linda Coyle or Marina Matatova.