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Disparity Table and Chart Tabs


Disparity Table Tab

The Disparity Table tab contains two sets of data - Absolute Disparity Measures and Relative Disparity Measures.   You go between absolute and relative using the scroll bar on the right.  The statistics for Absolute Disparity and Relative Disparity are calculated in HD*Calc using the formulas described in the Inference Methods section of this guide. A checkbox allows users to adjust some absolute and relative measures for scaling. The Precision field allows you to select the number of decimals displayed for each value. The Disparity Table also displays % Change from Starting Year, Std Errors, and Confidence Intervals along with the disparity measures. Disparity Table Tab

Disparity Chart Tab

The Disparity Chart tab contains Absolute Disparity and Relative Disparity data. Check the box next to each type of calculation to display it in the chart. Additional checkboxes are available to display Confidence Intervals and relative change over time, or to adjust for scaling. Disparity Chart Tab
