An official website of the United States government

Export Graph


The Export graph dialog is used to set your options for exporting a graph to an image file.

Controls available in this dialog:

  • Pixel Width - The width in pixels for the resulting image. The maximum setting is 5000, and the value must be greater than zero.
  • Pixel Height - The height in pixels for the resulting image. The maximum setting is 5000, and the value must be greater than zero.
  • PNG Image - The image is saved as a PNG (Portable Graphics Formatfile. This is the best compressed image format of the three.
  • Bitmap Image - The image is saved as a raw bitmap file. This option will create a very large uncompressed file.
  • JPEG Image - The image is saved as a JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Groupfile. This will create the smallest file size at the expense of image quality. 
  • OK - Executes the selection made above. A Save File dialog will be displayed to allow you to pick a location and filename for the file.
  • Cancel - Closes this window without exporting anything.
