An official website of the United States government

Results Matrix - Settings Tab


The Settings tab of the Results Matrix provides information about the results matrix such as the session used to create it, the database used, and details on the records selected. 

Session Information

This section displays all of the settings made in the session. This information is similar to what you would get if you printed a Session. 


This lists the database used to create the matrix. This is the same database that was selected on the session's Data tab.


This provides a general description of the results displayed in the matrix. The specific statistics and variables included in the matrix are described in the Information section shown at the bottom of the dialog.

Cell, Row, or Page Count

The number of cells, rows, or pages in the matrix.

Creation Time

The amount of time used to execute the SEER*Stat session and create the matrix.


The date and time that the session was executed. This is noted in local time.

File Name

Once the matrix has been saved, its filename appears here.


Once the matrix has been saved, the full directory path for the matrix file appears here.

File Size

Once the matrix has been saved, the size of the matrix file in bytes appears here.


This indicates the date and time at which the matrix was last saved.


This box shows general information about the matrix, including the variables displayed and exclusion counts for some matrix types.
