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NDC-11 (Package) NDC-9 (Product) Generic Name Brand Name Strength SEER*Rx Category (Descending) Major Class Minor Class Administration Route Package Effective Date Package Discontinuation Date Status
69488-0010-61 69488-0010 Lutetium Lu 177 vipivotide tetraxetan PLUVICTO 27.0 mCi/mL Radiopharmaceutical Radiopharmaceutical PSMA Intravenous March 23, 2022 In Use
73042-0201-01 73042-0201 Naxitamab DANYELZA 40.0 mg/10mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody GD2 Intravenous Nov. 25, 2020 In Use
74527-0022-02 74527-0022 margetuximab-cmkb MARGENZA 25.0 mg/mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody HER2 Intravenous Jan. 15, 2021 In Use
74527-0022-03 74527-0022 margetuximab-cmkb MARGENZA 25.0 mg/mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody HER2 Intravenous Jan. 15, 2021 In Use
00069-0238-01 00069-0238 Rituximab-pvvr Ruxience 100.0 mg/10mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody CD20 Intravenous Jan. 23, 2020 In Use
00069-0249-01 00069-0249 Rituximab-pvvr Ruxience 500.0 mg/50mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody CD20 Intravenous Jan. 23, 2020 In Use
00069-0315-01 00069-0315 Bevacizumab-bvzr Zirabev 100.0 mg/4mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody VEGFR Intravenous Jan. 13, 2020 In Use
00069-0342-01 00069-0342 Bevacizumab-bvzr Zirabev 400.0 mg/16mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody VEGFR Intravenous Jan. 13, 2020 In Use
73153-0900-01 73153-0900 Lisocabtagene maraleucel BREYANZI Immunotherapy CAR-T CD19 Feb. 5, 2021 In Use
00069-0308-01 00069-0308 trastuzumab-qyyp Trazimera 150.0 mg/7.15mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody HER2 Intravenous March 10, 2021 In Use

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