There are two data products available: 

  • SEER Research
  • SEER Research Plus and NCCR Data

The different data types were created because of concerns about the increasing risk of re-identifiability of individuals. The Research Plus and NCCR Data require user authentication through eRA Commons or an HHS account (refer to How to Request Access to SEER Data).

Variable Availability

The SEER Research databases exclude variables because of issues of confidentiality. The SEER Research Plus databases provide access to the additional variables, though some are not available at the individual level in SEER*Stat case listing sessions.

For documentation about the Research and Research Plus databases, including a dictionary of all the variables included by data product, refer to SEER*Stat Database Details.

Variables Available in SEER Research Plus1, Not in SEER Research Databases
Variable Name Reason for Exclusion from Research Data Research Plus Availability in Case Listing2
SEER Registry Confidentiality Not in case listing
Louisiana 2005 - 1st vs 2nd half of year Confidentiality Not in case listing
County Confidentiality Not in case listing
State-County Confidentiality Not in case listing
Month of diagnosis Confidentiality Not in case listing
Month of diagnosis recode Confidentiality Not in case listing
Age at diagnosis up to 99 Confidentiality Not in case listing

SEER registry (with CA and GA as whole states)

Confidentiality In case listing
PRCDA Region Confidentiality In case listing
Some genetic marker variables3 Confidentiality In case listing
  1. This table applies to the SEER data only, not the NCCR data.
  2. Case listings are a session type in the SEER*Stat software that allow you to view individual records in the data.
  3. See Dictionary of SEER Variables.

Access Requirements by Data Product

In addition to the Research and Research Plus Data, SEER makes available several Specialized Databases that include additional fields that SEER collects and are not part of the standard research databases. A summary of the access requirements by product type is available in the table below.

Access and Data Use Requirements Data Products
SEER Research SEER Research Plus and NCCR1 Data Specialized Specialized with IRB Requirement
Email Valid email Valid email linked to an authenticated user Valid email linked to an authenticated user Valid email linked to an authenticated user
User Authentication Not required eRA Commons or HHS account Current access to Research Plus Data Current access to Research Plus Data
Completion of Application Form Required Required Required; database specific Required; database specific
Data User Agreement Required Required Required (may include addendum) Required (may include addendum)
Acknowledgment of Data Limitations Required Required Required; database specific Required; database specific
Analysis Plan Review and Approval Not required Not required Research questions and analytic plan Research questions and analytic plan
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval Not required Not required Not required Required after provisional approval of analysis plan
Availability of Individual Data Individual data available Limited2 Limited2; database specific Limited2; database specific
Suppression in SEER*Stat None None None None
Suppression in Publication Yes Yes Yes Yes


  1. National Childhood Cancer Registry (NCCR) data is made available through SEER*Stat with the SEER Research Plus Data. Refer to the NCCR Data Products website for other options for accessing NCCR data.
  2. Some variables that are excluded from the Research Data files for confidentiality reasons cannot be included in the individual level data. Refer to the variable availability table above for details. NCCR data is not available at the individual level.