Members of the cancer registrar community may use this form to submit questions to SEER about coding cancer cases or about the materials for registrars distributed through the SEER site.

Before asking SEER:

  • Answers to coding and abstracting questions can be found in the SEER Inquiry System. Please search the system before contacting us with a question.
  • Follow local procedures for submitting questions to your central registry when required. Your central registry will submit the question to SEER if needed.
  • Please direct questions on the following topics to the Commission on Cancer's CAnswer ForumExternal Web Site Policy:
    • Site-Specific Data Items (SSDIs)
    • Grade for cases diagnosed 2018+
    • AJCC TNM and Collaborative Stage for diagnoses 2004 through December 31, 2015

Submit a Question to a SEER Registrar

Answers are not being sent out at this time. You may continue to submit questions.

Questions submitted through this form will be answered by the appropriate SEER personnel. The question and answer may be added to the SEER Inquiry System for others to reference.

Choose a subject

Please choose the most appropriate subject for your question. Hover over the more information button for more information about the subject if needed. Questions submitted under the wrong subject require extra time to manage and will result in a delayed response, as staff must manually triage your question.

Reporting Guidelines


Your question


Optional contact information

Please note: Responses may take 10 – 15 working days. Some inquiries require consultation with subject matter experts and may need additional time.

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