Registration for the workshop will open on August 1st.

The 2024 SEER Advanced Topics for Registry Professionals Workshop is open to ALL cancer registrars and will be held virtually on Tuesday-Thursday, September 24-26, 2024 from 12:00-5:00 pm ET.

The workshop will expand registrars’ knowledge of several important topics: in-depth coding for mixed histologies, neoadjuvant treatment for breast, esophageal, and rectal cases, and more. There will be presentations from subject matter experts, surgeons, pathologists, and oncologists.

Participants will complete assigned cases in SEER*Educate before the workshop. For more information about the SEER*Educate cases, go to Web Site Policy, sign in or sign up (it's free), select the Training tab, and click on SEER Educational Workshop. In-depth coding and abstracting training during the SEER Workshop will be based on coding of the assigned cases. You are welcome to complete the SEER*Educate cases even if you cannot attend the workshop. CE’s are pending.

Note: The workshop is complimentary, but registration is required. Registration for the workshop will begin on August 1st and close on September 9th. The registration link and agenda will be available through NCRA’s website starting on August 1st.

The full and final agenda will be posted soon. Please check back to this page often for updates.