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NDC-11 (Package) NDC-9 (Product) Generic Name Brand Name Strength SEER*Rx Category Major Class (Ascending) Minor Class Administration Route Package Effective Date Package Discontinuation Date Status
70934-0809-83 70934-0809 Ondansetron Ondansetron 8.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Oral April 22, 2021 Feb. 28, 2025 In Use
70934-0809-87 70934-0809 Ondansetron Ondansetron 8.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Oral April 22, 2021 Feb. 28, 2025 In Use
70934-0809-88 70934-0809 Ondansetron Ondansetron 8.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Oral Aug. 16, 2021 Nov. 30, 2024 In Use
70934-0809-95 70934-0809 Ondansetron Ondansetron 8.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Oral Dec. 8, 2020 Feb. 28, 2025 In Use
72162-1878-06 72162-1878 Dronabinol Dronabinol 2.5 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic CB1/CB2 Oral March 30, 2023 In Use
72162-1879-06 72162-1879 Dronabinol Dronabinol 5.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic CB1/CB2 Oral March 30, 2023 In Use
72162-1880-06 72162-1880 Dronabinol Dronabinol 10.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic CB1/CB2 Oral March 30, 2023 In Use
80425-0075-01 80425-0075 Ondansetron HCL Ondansetron HCL 8.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Oral July 31, 2007 In Use
80425-0075-02 80425-0075 Ondansetron HCL Ondansetron HCL 8.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Oral July 31, 2007 In Use
80425-0075-03 80425-0075 Ondansetron HCL Ondansetron HCL 8.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Oral July 31, 2007 In Use
80425-0075-04 80425-0075 Ondansetron HCL Ondansetron HCL 8.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Oral July 31, 2007 In Use
80425-0075-05 80425-0075 Ondansetron HCL Ondansetron HCL 8.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Oral July 31, 2007 In Use
82982-0059-10 82982-0059 Ondansetron Ondansetron 4.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Oral March 28, 2023 In Use
82982-0061-10 82982-0061 Ondansetron Ondansetron 4.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Oral March 30, 2023 In Use
00006-3066-01 00006-3066 Aprepitant Emend 125.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic Substance P/Neurokinin 1 Oral Dec. 17, 2015 In Use
00006-3066-03 00006-3066 Aprepitant Emend 125.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic Substance P/Neurokinin 1 Oral Dec. 17, 2015 In Use
00143-9744-01 00143-9744 Granisetron Hydrochloride Granisetron Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intravenous Dec. 23, 2009 In Use
00143-9744-10 00143-9744 Granisetron Hydrochloride Granisetron Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intravenous Dec. 23, 2009 In Use
00143-9745-01 00143-9745 Granisetron Hydrochloride Granisetron Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intravenous Dec. 23, 2009 In Use
00143-9745-05 00143-9745 Granisetron Hydrochloride Granisetron Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intravenous Dec. 23, 2009 In Use
00143-9745-10 00143-9745 Granisetron Hydrochloride Granisetron Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intravenous Dec. 23, 2009 In Use
00143-9890-01 00143-9890 Ondansetron Ondansetron 2.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intramuscular, Intravenous Dec. 26, 2006 In Use
00143-9890-05 00143-9890 Ondansetron Ondansetron 2.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intramuscular, Intravenous Dec. 26, 2006 July 15, 2014 In Use
00143-9890-10 00143-9890 Ondansetron Ondansetron 2.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intramuscular, Intravenous Dec. 26, 2006 In Use
00143-9891-01 00143-9891 Ondansetron Ondansetron 2.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intramuscular, Intravenous July 15, 2014 In Use

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