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NDC-11 (Package) NDC-9 (Product) Generic Name Brand Name Strength (Descending) SEER*Rx Category Major Class Minor Class Administration Route Package Effective Date Package Discontinuation Date Status
54868-4151-00 54868-4151 Letrozole Femara 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Aromatase Inhibitor Oral Feb. 10, 2005 In Use
54868-6252-00 54868-6252 Letrozole Letrozole 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Aromatase Inhibitor Oral May 4, 2011 In Use
62175-0888-32 62175-0888 Letrozole Letrozole 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Aromatase Inhibitor Oral June 3, 2011 June 16, 2017 No Longer Used
63323-0772-30 63323-0772 Letrozole Letrozole 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Aromatase Inhibitor Oral June 4, 2011 In Use
65841-0744-06 65841-0744 Letrozole Letrozole 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Aromatase Inhibitor Oral June 3, 2011 In Use
65841-0744-10 65841-0744 Letrozole Letrozole 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Aromatase Inhibitor Oral June 3, 2011 In Use
65841-0744-30 65841-0744 Letrozole Letrozole 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Aromatase Inhibitor Oral June 3, 2011 In Use
54569-3806-02 54569-3806 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Progestin Oral Dec. 4, 1996 In Use
54868-2984-00 54868-2984 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Progestin Oral April 24, 1995 In Use
54868-2984-02 54868-2984 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Progestin Oral April 24, 1995 In Use
54868-2984-03 54868-2984 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Progestin Oral April 24, 1995 In Use
64205-0087-30 64205-0087 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Progestin Oral Dec. 4, 1996 In Use
64205-0087-90 64205-0087 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Progestin Oral Dec. 4, 1996 In Use
68084-0553-11 68084-0553 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Progestin Oral Jan. 27, 2012 Dec. 31, 2015 No Longer Used
68084-0553-21 68084-0553 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Progestin Oral Jan. 27, 2012 Dec. 31, 2015 No Longer Used
49349-0314-02 49349-0314 Methotrexate sodium Methotrexate Sodium 2.5 mg/1 Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Oral Feb. 2, 2010 Nov. 14, 2011 No Longer Used
49349-0406-02 49349-0406 Methotrexate sodium Methotrexate Sodium 2.5 mg/1 Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Oral May 27, 2010 Jan. 13, 2012 No Longer Used
54868-3826-00 54868-3826 Methotrexate sodium Methotrexate Sodium 2.5 mg/1 Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Oral Dec. 5, 2007 In Use
54868-3826-01 54868-3826 Methotrexate sodium Methotrexate Sodium 2.5 mg/1 Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Oral Dec. 5, 2007 In Use
54868-3826-02 54868-3826 Methotrexate sodium Methotrexate Sodium 2.5 mg/1 Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Oral Dec. 5, 2007 In Use
54868-3826-03 54868-3826 Methotrexate sodium Methotrexate Sodium 2.5 mg/1 Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Oral Dec. 5, 2007 In Use
54868-3826-04 54868-3826 Methotrexate sodium Methotrexate Sodium 2.5 mg/1 Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Oral Dec. 5, 2007 In Use
54868-3826-05 54868-3826 Methotrexate sodium Methotrexate Sodium 2.5 mg/1 Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Oral Dec. 5, 2007 In Use
54868-3826-06 54868-3826 Methotrexate sodium Methotrexate Sodium 2.5 mg/1 Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Oral Dec. 5, 2007 In Use
54868-3826-07 54868-3826 Methotrexate sodium Methotrexate Sodium 2.5 mg/1 Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Oral Dec. 5, 2007 In Use

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