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NDC-11 (Package) NDC-9 (Product) Generic Name Brand Name Strength SEER*Rx Category Major Class Minor Class Administration Route (Descending) Package Effective Date Package Discontinuation Date Status
50242-0051-10 50242-0051 Rituximab Rituxan 10.0 mg/mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody CD20 Intravenous June 3, 2019 In Use
50242-0051-21 50242-0051 Rituximab Rituxan 10.0 mg/mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody CD20 Intravenous Nov. 26, 1997 In Use
50242-0103-01 50242-0103 polatuzumab vedotin POLIVY 30.0 mg/1.88mL Immunotherapy Drug Antibody Conjugate CD79b Intravenous Sept. 18, 2020 In Use
50242-0132-01 50242-0132 Trastuzumab Herceptin 150.0 mg/7.4mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody HER2 Intravenous Feb. 10, 2017 In Use
50242-0132-10 50242-0132 Trastuzumab Herceptin 150.0 mg/7.4mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody HER2 Intravenous June 3, 2019 In Use
50242-0917-01 50242-0917 Atezolizumab Tecentriq 1200.0 mg/20mL Immunotherapy Checkpoint Inhibitor PD-L1 Intravenous May 18, 2016 In Use
50242-0917-86 50242-0917 Atezolizumab Tecentriq 1200.0 mg/20mL Immunotherapy Checkpoint Inhibitor PD-L1 Intravenous Aug. 11, 2016 In Use
16714-0001-01 16714-0001 Doxorubicin hydrochloride Doxorubicin hydrochloride 2.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antitumor Antibiotic Anthracycline Intravenous March 22, 2021 In Use
43598-0859-11 43598-0859 Fosaprepitant Fosaprepitant 150.0 mg/5mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic Substance P/Neurokinin 1 Intravenous Sept. 6, 2019 In Use
43598-0948-11 43598-0948 Fosaprepitant Fosaprepitant 150.0 mg/5mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic Substance P/Neurokinin 1 Intravenous July 1, 2020 In Use
51662-1483-01 51662-1483 SOLU-MEDROL(R) METHYLPREDNISOLONE SODIUM SUCCINAT SOLU-MEDROL(R) METHYLPREDNISOLONE SODIUM SUCCINAT 500.0 mg/4mL Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Intramuscular, Intravenous Dec. 14, 2019 In Use
55513-0141-01 55513-0141 trastuzumab-anns Kanjinti 150.0 mg/7.15mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody HER2 Intravenous Oct. 28, 2019 In Use
55513-0224-01 55513-0224 rituximab-arrx Riabni 100.0 mg/10mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody CD20 Intravenous Jan. 6, 2021 In Use
55513-0326-01 55513-0326 rituximab-arrx Riabni 500.0 mg/50mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody CD20 Intravenous Jan. 6, 2021 In Use
65597-0406-01 65597-0406 fam-trastuzumab deruxtecan-nxki Enhertu 100.0 mg/5mL Immunotherapy Drug Antibody Conjugate Topoisomerase I Inhibitor Intravenous Dec. 20, 2019 In Use
68001-0480-22 68001-0480 Irinotecan hydrochloide Irinotecan hydrochloide 20.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Topoisomerase I Inhibitor Camptothecin Analogs Intravenous Dec. 14, 2020 In Use
68001-0480-35 68001-0480 Irinotecan hydrochloide Irinotecan hydrochloide 20.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Topoisomerase I Inhibitor Camptothecin Analogs Intravenous Dec. 14, 2020 In Use
68083-0381-01 68083-0381 Irinotecan hydrochloide Irinotecan hydrochloide 20.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Topoisomerase I Inhibitor Camptothecin Analogs Intravenous Nov. 18, 2019 In Use
70700-0169-22 70700-0169 Irinotecan hydrochloide Irinotecan hydrochloide 20.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Topoisomerase I Inhibitor Camptothecin Analogs Intravenous Nov. 18, 2019 In Use
42658-0019-01 42658-0019 Daunorubicin hydrochloride Daunorubicin Hydrochloride 5.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antitumor Antibiotic Anthracycline Intravenous Jan. 20, 2020 In Use
43598-0389-57 43598-0389 Docetaxel Docetaxel 160.0 mg/8mL Chemotherapy Antimitotic Agent Taxane Intravenous April 22, 2019 In Use
47335-0323-40 47335-0323 Docetaxel Docetaxel 20.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antimitotic Agent Taxane Intravenous Nov. 26, 2020 In Use
47335-0895-40 47335-0895 Docetaxel Docetaxel 80.0 mg/4mL Chemotherapy Antimitotic Agent Taxane Intravenous Nov. 26, 2020 In Use
47335-0939-40 47335-0939 Docetaxel Docetaxel 160.0 mg/8mL Chemotherapy Antimitotic Agent Taxane Intravenous Nov. 26, 2020 In Use
49315-0007-10 49315-0007 Arsenic trioxide Arsenic trioxide 2.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Miscellaneous Agent PML/RARa Intravenous Sept. 3, 2019 In Use

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