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NDC-11 (Package) NDC-9 (Product) Generic Name Brand Name Strength SEER*Rx Category Major Class Minor Class Administration Route Package Effective Date Package Discontinuation Date (Descending) Status
76045-0216-20 76045-0216 ONDANSETRON HYDROCHLORIDE ONDANSETRON 4.0 mg/2mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intramuscular, Intravenous May 31, 2022 In Use
82249-0010-12 82249-0010 Abiraterone acetate Abiraterone 250.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Androgen Receptor Inhibitor CYP17 Inhibitor Oral June 27, 2022 In Use
00603-5335-21 00603-5335 Prednisone Prednisone 1.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Dec. 21, 2004 In Use
00603-5335-32 00603-5335 Prednisone Prednisone 1.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Dec. 21, 2004 In Use
00603-5336-21 00603-5336 Prednisone Prednisone 2.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Dec. 21, 2004 In Use
00603-5337-15 00603-5337 Prednisone Prednisone 5.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral July 12, 2002 In Use
00603-5337-21 00603-5337 Prednisone Prednisone 5.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral July 12, 2002 In Use
00603-5337-31 00603-5337 Prednisone Prednisone 5.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral July 12, 2002 In Use
00603-5337-32 00603-5337 Prednisone Prednisone 5.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral July 12, 2002 In Use
00603-5339-21 00603-5339 Prednisone Prednisone 20.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Feb. 12, 2003 In Use
00603-5339-28 00603-5339 Prednisone Prednisone 20.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Feb. 12, 2003 In Use
00603-5339-32 00603-5339 Prednisone Prednisone 20.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Feb. 12, 2003 In Use
63539-0117-01 63539-0117 Bosutinib monohydrate, Bosutinib Bosulif 100.0 mg/1 Chemotherapy Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor BCR-ABL Oral Sept. 4, 2012 In Use
00078-0683-06 00078-0683 Nelarabine Arranon 5.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Purine Analog Intravenous Oct. 5, 2016 In Use
00078-0683-61 00078-0683 Nelarabine Arranon 5.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Purine Analog Intravenous Aug. 2, 2019 In Use
70518-0306-00 70518-0306 Prednisone Prednisone 50.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral March 10, 2017 In Use
00409-1062-01 00409-1062 Pemetrexed Pemetrexed 25.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Intravenous June 20, 2022 In Use
00603-5338-15 00603-5338 Prednisone Prednisone 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral July 12, 2002 In Use
00603-5338-21 00603-5338 Prednisone Prednisone 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral July 12, 2002 In Use
00603-5338-28 00603-5338 Prednisone Prednisone 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral July 12, 2002 In Use
00603-5338-31 00603-5338 Prednisone Prednisone 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral July 12, 2002 In Use
00603-5338-32 00603-5338 Prednisone Prednisone 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral July 12, 2002 In Use
10370-0268-01 10370-0268 Tretinoin Tretinoin 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Immunomodulator Retinoic Acid Derivative Oral Oct. 24, 2012 In Use
15014-0211-21 15014-0211 dexamethasone HiDex 6-day 1.5 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Feb. 22, 2019 In Use
42291-0726-10 42291-0726 Raloxifene Hydrochloride Raloxifene Hydrochloride 60.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) Oral Nov. 3, 2014 In Use

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