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NDC-11 (Package) NDC-9 (Product) Generic Name Brand Name Strength SEER*Rx Category Major Class Minor Class Administration Route Package Effective Date Package Discontinuation Date Status (Descending)
00703-5233-91 00703-5233 Daunorubicin Hydrochloride Daunorubicin Hydrochloride 5.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antitumor Antibiotic Anthracycline Intravenous April 1, 2004 June 30, 2016 In Use
00703-5233-93 00703-5233 Daunorubicin Hydrochloride Daunorubicin Hydrochloride 5.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antitumor Antibiotic Anthracycline Intravenous April 1, 2004 June 30, 2016 In Use
00703-3427-11 00703-3427 Ifosfamide Ifosfamide 1.0 g/20mL Chemotherapy Alkylating Agent Nitrogen Mustard Intravenous July 26, 2007 In Use
00703-3429-11 00703-3429 Ifosfamide Ifosfamide 3.0 g/60mL Chemotherapy Alkylating Agent Nitrogen Mustard Intravenous July 26, 2007 In Use
00703-4154-11 00703-4154 Idarubicin Hydrochloride Idarubicin Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antitumor Antibiotic Anthracycline Intravenous Oct. 1, 2002 Aug. 31, 2013 In Use
00703-4154-91 00703-4154 Idarubicin Hydrochloride Idarubicin Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antitumor Antibiotic Anthracycline Intravenous Oct. 1, 2002 Dec. 31, 2012 In Use
00703-4680-01 00703-4680 Mitoxantrone Mitoxantrone 2.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antitumor Antibiotic Anthracenedione Intravenous April 11, 2006 In Use
00703-4685-01 00703-4685 Mitoxantrone Mitoxantrone 2.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antitumor Antibiotic Anthracenedione Intravenous April 11, 2006 In Use
00703-4686-01 00703-4686 Mitoxantrone Mitoxantrone 2.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antitumor Antibiotic Anthracenedione Intravenous April 11, 2006 In Use
50090-5814-00 50090-5814 PREDNISONE Prednisone 5.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Oct. 18, 2021 In Use
50090-5814-01 50090-5814 PREDNISONE Prednisone 5.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Oct. 18, 2021 In Use
50090-5814-03 50090-5814 PREDNISONE Prednisone 5.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Oct. 18, 2021 In Use
50090-5814-04 50090-5814 PREDNISONE Prednisone 5.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Oct. 18, 2021 In Use
50090-5814-07 50090-5814 PREDNISONE Prednisone 5.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Oct. 18, 2021 In Use
50090-5656-00 50090-5656 Prednisone PREDNISONE 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Sept. 14, 2021 In Use
50090-5656-01 50090-5656 Prednisone PREDNISONE 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Sept. 14, 2021 In Use
50090-5656-02 50090-5656 Prednisone PREDNISONE 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Sept. 14, 2021 In Use
50090-5656-04 50090-5656 Prednisone PREDNISONE 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Sept. 14, 2021 In Use
50090-5656-05 50090-5656 Prednisone PREDNISONE 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Sept. 14, 2021 In Use
50090-5656-07 50090-5656 Prednisone PREDNISONE 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Sept. 14, 2021 In Use
50090-5656-08 50090-5656 Prednisone PREDNISONE 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Sept. 14, 2021 In Use
00703-5653-01 00703-5653 Etoposide Toposar 20.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Plant Alkaloid Epipodophyllotoxins Intravenous Aug. 1, 1996 In Use
00703-5657-01 00703-5657 Etoposide Toposar 20.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Plant Alkaloid Epipodophyllotoxins Intravenous May 1, 1997 Aug. 31, 2022 In Use
00703-5657-91 00703-5657 Etoposide Toposar 20.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Plant Alkaloid Epipodophyllotoxins Intravenous May 22, 2013 Nov. 30, 2017 In Use
00955-1725-10 00955-1725 Oxaliplatin Oxaliplatin 5.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Alkylating Agent Platinum Compound Intravenous July 7, 2014 July 1, 2023 In Use

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