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NDC-11 (Package) NDC-9 (Product) Generic Name Brand Name Strength (Ascending) SEER*Rx Category Major Class Minor Class Administration Route Package Effective Date Package Discontinuation Date Status
47426-0101-01 47426-0101 Granisetron Sustol 10.0 mg/.4mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Subcutaneous Aug. 9, 2016 Aug. 9, 2016 In Use
47426-0101-06 47426-0101 Granisetron Sustol 10.0 mg/.4mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Subcutaneous Aug. 9, 2016 In Use
00555-0779-01 00555-0779 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Progestin Oral Dec. 4, 1996 Jan. 26, 2011 In Use
00555-0779-02 00555-0779 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Progestin Oral Dec. 4, 1996 In Use
00555-0779-04 00555-0779 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Progestin Oral Dec. 4, 1996 In Use
00555-0779-05 00555-0779 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Progestin Oral Dec. 4, 1996 Jan. 26, 2011 In Use
68084-0075-11 68084-0075 Tretinoin Tretinoin 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Immunomodulator Retinoic Acid Derivative Oral July 18, 2013 In Use
68084-0075-21 68084-0075 Tretinoin Tretinoin 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Immunomodulator Retinoic Acid Derivative Oral July 18, 2013 In Use
00378-0144-05 00378-0144 Tamoxifen Citrate Tamoxifen Citrate 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) Oral Feb. 20, 2003 Jan. 23, 2018 In Use
00378-0144-91 00378-0144 Tamoxifen Citrate Tamoxifen Citrate 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) Oral Feb. 20, 2004 In Use
00591-5442-01 00591-5442 Prednisone Prednisone 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Jan. 1, 1990 In Use
00591-5442-05 00591-5442 Prednisone Prednisone 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Jan. 1, 1990 In Use
00591-5442-10 00591-5442 Prednisone Prednisone 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral May 18, 1993 In Use
00591-5442-21 00591-5442 Prednisone Prednisone 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral May 25, 2016 In Use
00591-5442-43 00591-5442 Prednisone Prednisone 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral May 25, 2016 In Use
31722-0962-60 31722-0962 dronabinol DRONABINOL 10.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic CB1/CB2 Oral Feb. 10, 2020 In Use
63020-0536-30 63020-0536 ponatinib hydrochloride Iclusig 10.0 mg/1 Chemotherapy Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor BCR-ABL Oral Jan. 11, 2021 In Use
50742-0182-12 50742-0182 Leucovorin Calcium Leucovorin Calcium 10.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Chemoprotective Antidote Oral July 30, 2020 In Use
50742-0182-24 50742-0182 Leucovorin Calcium Leucovorin Calcium 10.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Chemoprotective Antidote Oral July 30, 2020 In Use
00591-2433-15 00591-2433 Isotretinoin Isotretinoin 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Immunomodulator Retinoic Acid Derivative Oral April 29, 2021 In Use
45802-0303-67 45802-0303 Prednisone Prednisone 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral May 19, 2006 June 1, 2014 No Longer Used
49349-0287-02 49349-0287 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Progestin Oral June 7, 2011 June 8, 2012 No Longer Used
49349-0287-08 49349-0287 Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Progestin Oral Nov. 12, 2014 Aug. 25, 2016 No Longer Used
49349-0717-02 49349-0717 Prednisone Prednisone 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral May 10, 2011 July 24, 2014 No Longer Used
49349-0725-02 49349-0725 Prednisone Prednisone 10.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral June 9, 2011 Feb. 15, 2017 No Longer Used

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