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NDC-11 (Package) NDC-9 (Product) Generic Name Brand Name Strength (Descending) SEER*Rx Category Major Class Minor Class Administration Route Package Effective Date Package Discontinuation Date Status
00179-0124-70 00179-0124 Methylprednisolone Methylprednisolone 16.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Sept. 12, 2012 May 31, 2015 In Use
10631-0003-31 10631-0003 isotretinoin Absorica LD 16.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Immunomodulator Retinoic Acid Derivative Oral Nov. 20, 2019 In Use
68180-0688-08 68180-0688 Methylprednisolone Methylprednisolone 16.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral March 1, 2020 In Use
68001-0559-69 68001-0559 Methylprednisolone Methylprednisolone 16.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Adrenal Glucocorticoid Corticosteroid Oral Jan. 31, 2023 In Use
70121-1567-01 70121-1567 Bleomycin Bleomycin 15000.0 [iU]/1 Chemotherapy Antitumor Antibiotic Carboxylic Acids and Amino Acids/Peptides Intra-Arterial, Intramuscular, Intravenous June 20, 2016 In Use
62856-0603-01 62856-0603 Denileukin diftitox Ontak 150.0 ug/mL Immunotherapy Cytokine Interleukin-2 Intravenous Nov. 1, 2013 Nov. 1, 2013 No Longer Used
55513-0053-01 55513-0053 Darbepoetin alfa Aranesp 150.0 ug/.75mL Ancillary Therapy Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent Intravenous, Subcutaneous Sept. 11, 2006 In Use
55513-0053-04 55513-0053 Darbepoetin alfa Aranesp 150.0 ug/.75mL Ancillary Therapy Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent Intravenous, Subcutaneous Sept. 11, 2006 In Use
55513-0027-01 55513-0027 Darbepoetin alfa Aranesp 150.0 ug/.3mL Ancillary Therapy Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent Intravenous, Subcutaneous Feb. 18, 2011 In Use
55513-0027-04 55513-0027 Darbepoetin alfa Aranesp 150.0 ug/.3mL Ancillary Therapy Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent Intravenous, Subcutaneous Sept. 11, 2006 In Use

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