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NDC-11 (Package) NDC-9 (Product) Generic Name Brand Name Strength (Descending) SEER*Rx Category Major Class Minor Class Administration Route Package Effective Date Package Discontinuation Date Status
42658-0010-01 42658-0010 Cladribine Cladribine 1.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Purine Analog Intravenous May 18, 2020 In Use
42658-0010-02 42658-0010 Cladribine Cladribine 1.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Purine Analog Intravenous April 1, 2020 In Use
42658-0010-91 42658-0010 Cladribine Cladribine 1.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Purine Analog Intravenous Feb. 28, 2023 In Use
25021-0226-10 25021-0226 Arsenic Trioxide Arsenic Trioxide 1.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Miscellaneous Agent PML/RARa Intravenous Feb. 15, 2023 In Use
68083-0535-10 68083-0535 Arsenic Trioxide Arsenic Trioxide 1.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Miscellaneous Agent PML/RARa Intravenous April 22, 2022 In Use
70710-1895-06 70710-1895 Arsenic trioxide Arsenic trioxide 1.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Miscellaneous Agent PML/RARa Intravenous Feb. 28, 2023 In Use
00143-9744-01 00143-9744 Granisetron Hydrochloride Granisetron Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intravenous Dec. 23, 2009 In Use
00143-9744-10 00143-9744 Granisetron Hydrochloride Granisetron Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intravenous Dec. 23, 2009 In Use
00143-9745-01 00143-9745 Granisetron Hydrochloride Granisetron Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intravenous Dec. 23, 2009 In Use
00143-9745-05 00143-9745 Granisetron Hydrochloride Granisetron Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intravenous Dec. 23, 2009 In Use

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