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NDC-11 (Package) NDC-9 (Product) Generic Name Brand Name Strength SEER*Rx Category Major Class Minor Class Administration Route (Ascending) Package Effective Date Package Discontinuation Date Status
00069-1309-04 00069-1309 epoetin alfa-epbx RETACRIT 40000.0 [iU]/mL Ancillary Therapy Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent Intravenous, Subcutaneous June 18, 2018 In Use
00069-1309-10 00069-1309 epoetin alfa-epbx RETACRIT 40000.0 [iU]/mL Ancillary Therapy Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent Intravenous, Subcutaneous June 18, 2018 In Use
00069-1306-10 00069-1306 epoetin alfa-epbx RETACRIT 3000.0 [iU]/mL Ancillary Therapy Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent Intravenous, Subcutaneous June 18, 2018 In Use
00069-1318-04 00069-1318 epoetin alfa-epbx RETACRIT 10000.0 [iU]/mL Ancillary Therapy Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent Intravenous, Subcutaneous Dec. 1, 2020 In Use
00069-1318-10 00069-1318 epoetin alfa-epbx RETACRIT 10000.0 [iU]/mL Ancillary Therapy Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent Intravenous, Subcutaneous Nov. 9, 2020 In Use
00078-0109-01 00078-0109 Cyclosporine Sandimmune 50.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Immunomodulator Calcineurin Inhibitor Intravenous Nov. 14, 1983 In Use
00078-0109-61 00078-0109 Cyclosporine Sandimmune 50.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Immunomodulator Calcineurin Inhibitor Intravenous Aug. 10, 2012 In Use
00078-0180-01 00078-0180 Octreotide Acetate Sandostatin 50.0 ug/mL Hormonal Therapy Somatostatin Analog Intravenous, Subcutaneous Oct. 21, 1988 In Use
00078-0180-61 00078-0180 Octreotide Acetate Sandostatin 50.0 ug/mL Hormonal Therapy Somatostatin Analog Intravenous, Subcutaneous Aug. 13, 2012 In Use
00078-0181-01 00078-0181 Octreotide Acetate Sandostatin 100.0 ug/mL Hormonal Therapy Somatostatin Analog Intravenous, Subcutaneous Oct. 21, 1988 In Use
00078-0181-61 00078-0181 Octreotide Acetate Sandostatin 100.0 ug/mL Hormonal Therapy Somatostatin Analog Intravenous, Subcutaneous Aug. 13, 2012 In Use
00078-0182-01 00078-0182 Octreotide Acetate Sandostatin 500.0 ug/mL Hormonal Therapy Somatostatin Analog Intravenous, Subcutaneous Oct. 21, 1988 In Use
00078-0182-61 00078-0182 Octreotide Acetate Sandostatin 500.0 ug/mL Hormonal Therapy Somatostatin Analog Intravenous, Subcutaneous Aug. 13, 2012 In Use
00078-0669-13 00078-0669 Ofatumumab Arzerra 20.0 mg/mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody CD20 Intravenous Feb. 1, 2016 In Use
00078-0669-61 00078-0669 Ofatumumab Arzerra 20.0 mg/mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody CD20 Intravenous Feb. 1, 2016 In Use
00078-0669-84 00078-0669 Ofatumumab Arzerra 20.0 mg/mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody CD20 Intravenous Feb. 1, 2016 Feb. 1, 2016 In Use
00143-9744-01 00143-9744 Granisetron Hydrochloride Granisetron Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intravenous Dec. 23, 2009 In Use
00143-9744-10 00143-9744 Granisetron Hydrochloride Granisetron Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intravenous Dec. 23, 2009 In Use
00143-9745-01 00143-9745 Granisetron Hydrochloride Granisetron Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intravenous Dec. 23, 2009 In Use
00143-9745-05 00143-9745 Granisetron Hydrochloride Granisetron Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intravenous Dec. 23, 2009 In Use
00143-9745-10 00143-9745 Granisetron Hydrochloride Granisetron Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/mL Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic 5HT3 Receptor Antagonist Intravenous Dec. 23, 2009 In Use
00409-0201-02 00409-0201 DOCETAXEL ANHYDROUS Docetaxel 10.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antimitotic Agent Taxane Intravenous March 17, 2011 In Use
00409-0201-10 00409-0201 DOCETAXEL ANHYDROUS Docetaxel 10.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antimitotic Agent Taxane Intravenous March 17, 2011 In Use
00409-0201-20 00409-0201 DOCETAXEL ANHYDROUS Docetaxel 10.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antimitotic Agent Taxane Intravenous March 17, 2011 In Use
00409-0201-25 00409-0201 DOCETAXEL ANHYDROUS Docetaxel 10.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Antimitotic Agent Taxane Intravenous Sept. 11, 2013 Jan. 31, 2017 In Use

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