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NDC-11 (Package) NDC-9 (Product) Generic Name Brand Name Strength SEER*Rx Category Major Class Minor Class Administration Route Package Effective Date Package Discontinuation Date (Descending) Status
68180-0738-01 68180-0738 decitabine decitabine 50.0 mg/20mL Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Pyrimidine Analog Intravenous Dec. 6, 2019 Jan. 1, 2040 In Use
60505-6050-04 60505-6050 Bortezomib BORTEZOMIB 3.5 mg/1 Chemotherapy Proteasome Inhibitor 26S Intravenous, Subcutaneous May 2, 2022 Dec. 31, 2028 In Use
60505-6065-00 60505-6065 Pemetrexed disodium Pemetrexed 100.0 mg/4mL Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Intravenous May 25, 2022 Dec. 31, 2028 In Use
60505-6066-00 60505-6066 Pemetrexed disodium Pemetrexed 500.0 mg/20mL Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Intravenous May 25, 2022 Dec. 31, 2028 In Use
60505-6067-00 60505-6067 Pemetrexed disodium Pemetrexed 1000.0 mg/40mL Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Intravenous May 25, 2022 Dec. 31, 2028 In Use
60505-6068-00 60505-6068 Pemetrexed disodium Pemetrexed 750.0 mg/30mL Chemotherapy Antimetabolite Folic Acid Analog Intravenous May 25, 2022 Dec. 31, 2028 In Use
67457-0847-44 67457-0847 Trastuzumab OGIVRI 420.0 mg/ 20 mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody HER2 Intravenous Nov. 29, 2019 April 30, 2027 In Use
71288-0101-10 71288-0101 Oxaliplatin Oxaliplatin 5.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Alkylating Agent Platinum Compound Intravenous Oct. 1, 2017 Feb. 28, 2027 In Use
71288-0101-20 71288-0101 Oxaliplatin Oxaliplatin 5.0 mg/mL Chemotherapy Alkylating Agent Platinum Compound Intravenous Oct. 1, 2017 Feb. 28, 2027 In Use
67457-0991-15 67457-0991 Trastuzumab OGIVRI 150.0 mg/7.4mL Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody HER2 Intravenous Nov. 29, 2019 Feb. 28, 2027 In Use

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