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NDC-11 (Package) NDC-9 (Product) Generic Name Brand Name Strength SEER*Rx Category Major Class Minor Class Administration Route (Descending) Package Effective Date Package Discontinuation Date Status
82293-0001-10 82293-0001 Abiraterone acetate Abiraterone Acetate 250.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Androgen Receptor Inhibitor CYP17 Inhibitor Oral Jan. 5, 2022 In Use
82293-0002-10 82293-0002 Abiraterone acetate Abiraterone Acetate 500.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Androgen Receptor Inhibitor CYP17 Inhibitor Oral Jan. 5, 2022 In Use
72694-0617-60 72694-0617 Ivosidenib Tibsovo 250.0 mg/1 Chemotherapy Enzyme Inhibitor IDH1 Oral Oct. 19, 2021 In Use
00172-5240-60 00172-5240 Anagrelide Hydrochloride Anagrelide Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Platelet-Reducing Agent PDE-3 Inhibitor Oral April 18, 2005 In Use
00172-5240-70 00172-5240 Anagrelide Hydrochloride Anagrelide Hydrochloride 1.0 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Platelet-Reducing Agent PDE-3 Inhibitor Oral April 18, 2005 June 9, 2009 In Use
00172-5241-60 00172-5241 Anagrelide Hydrochloride Anagrelide Hydrochloride 0.5 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Platelet-Reducing Agent PDE-3 Inhibitor Oral April 18, 2005 In Use
00172-5241-70 00172-5241 Anagrelide Hydrochloride Anagrelide Hydrochloride 0.5 mg/1 Ancillary Therapy Platelet-Reducing Agent PDE-3 Inhibitor Oral April 18, 2005 June 9, 2009 In Use
00310-1350-30 00310-1350 Osimertinib Tagrisso 80.0 mg/1 Chemotherapy Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor EGFR Oral Nov. 13, 2015 In Use
00310-1350-95 00310-1350 Osimertinib Tagrisso 80.0 mg/1 Chemotherapy Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor EGFR Oral March 15, 2019 In Use
00555-0887-01 00555-0887 Estradiol Estradiol 2.0 mg/1 Hormonal Therapy Estrogen Oral Oct. 28, 1997 Jan. 26, 2011 In Use

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