NDC-11 (Package) | NDC-9 (Product) | Generic Name | Brand Name (Ascending) | Strength | SEER*Rx Category | Major Class | Minor Class | Administration Route | Package Effective Date | Package Discontinuation Date | Status |
55566-1050-01 | 55566-1050 | Nadofaragene firadenovec-vncg | ADSTILADRIN | 300000000000.0 {VP}/mL | Immunotherapy | Gene Therapy | IFN⍺2b | Intravesical | July 1, 2023 | In Use | |
57894-0050-60 | 57894-0050 | NIRAPARIB TOSYLATE MONOHYDRATE and ABIRATERONE ACETATE | AKEEGA | 500.0 mg/1, 50.0 mg/1 | Chemotherapy | Androgen Receptor Inhibitor, Enzyme Inhibitor | CYP 17, PARP | Oral | Aug. 11, 2023 | In Use | |
57894-0100-60 | 57894-0100 | NIRAPARIB TOSYLATE MONOHYDRATE and ABIRATERONE ACETATE | AKEEGA | 500.0 mg/1, 100.0 mg/1 | Chemotherapy | Androgen Receptor Inhibitor, Enzyme Inhibitor | CYP17, PARP | Oral | Aug. 11, 2023 | In Use | |
69639-0106-01 | 69639-0106 | Fosnetupitant and Palonosetron | AKYNZEO | 260.0 mg/20mL, 0.28 mg/20mL | Ancillary Therapy | Antiemetic | 5HT3 Receptor Anatagonist, Substance P/Neurokinin 1 | Intravenous | Aug. 1, 2023 | In Use | |
69639-0105-01 | 69639-0105 | Fosnetupitant and Palonosetron | AKYNZEO | 260.0 mg/20mL, 0.28 mg/20mL | Ancillary Therapy | Antiemetic | 5HT3 Receptor Anatagonist/Substance P/Neurokinin 1 | Intravenous | June 15, 2020 | In Use | |
69639-0102-01 | 69639-0102 | Fosnetupitant and Palonosetron | AKYNZEO | 260.0 mg/1, 0.28 mg/1 | Ancillary Therapy | Antiemetic | 5HT3 Receptor Anatagonist/Substance P/Neurokinin 1 | Intravenous | April 20, 2018 | In Use | |
70121-1755-01 | 70121-1755 | bevacizumab-maly | ALYMSYS | 400.0 mg/16mL | Immunotherapy | Monoclonal Antibody | VEGF | Intravenous | April 15, 2022 | In Use | |
70121-1755-07 | 70121-1755 | bevacizumab-maly | ALYMSYS | 400.0 mg/16mL | Immunotherapy | Monoclonal Antibody | VEGF | Intravenous | April 15, 2022 | In Use | |
70121-1754-01 | 70121-1754 | Bevacizumab-maly | ALYMSYS | 100.0 mg/4mL | Immunotherapy | Monoclonal Antibody | VEGF | Intravenous | April 15, 2022 | In Use | |
70121-1754-07 | 70121-1754 | Bevacizumab-maly | ALYMSYS | 100.0 mg/4mL | Immunotherapy | Monoclonal Antibody | VEGF | Intravenous | April 15, 2022 | In Use |
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