NDC-11 (Package) | NDC-9 (Product) | Generic Name (Ascending) | Brand Name | Strength | SEER*Rx Category | Major Class | Minor Class | Administration Route | Package Effective Date | Package Discontinuation Date | Status |
50242-0053-06 | 50242-0053 | Rituximab | Rituxan | 10.0 mg/mL | Immunotherapy | Monoclonal Antibody | CD20 | Intravenous | Nov. 26, 1997 | In Use | |
50242-0108-01 | 50242-0108 | Rituximab and hyaluronidase | Rituxan Hycela | 2000.0 U/mL, 2000.0 U/mL, 120.0 mg/mL | Immunotherapy | Monoclonal Antibody | CD20 | Subcutaneous | June 22, 2017 | In Use | |
50242-0108-86 | 50242-0108 | Rituximab and hyaluronidase | Rituxan Hycela | 2000.0 U/mL, 2000.0 U/mL, 120.0 mg/mL | Immunotherapy | Monoclonal Antibody | CD20 | Subcutaneous | June 23, 2017 | In Use | |
50242-0109-01 | 50242-0109 | Rituximab and hyaluronidase | Rituxan Hycela | 2000.0 U/mL, 2000.0 U/mL, 120.0 mg/mL | Immunotherapy | Monoclonal Antibody | CD20 | Subcutaneous | June 22, 2017 | In Use | |
63459-0104-50 | 63459-0104 | Rituximab-abbs | Truxima | 10.0 mg/mL | Immunotherapy | Monoclonal Antibody | CD20 | Intravenous | May 4, 2020 | In Use | |
63459-0103-10 | 63459-0103 | Rituximab-abbs | Truxima | 10.0 mg/mL | Immunotherapy | Monoclonal Antibody | CD20 | Intravenous | May 4, 2020 | In Use | |
00069-0238-01 | 00069-0238 | Rituximab-pvvr | Ruxience | 100.0 mg/10mL | Immunotherapy | Monoclonal Antibody | CD20 | Intravenous | Jan. 23, 2020 | In Use | |
00069-0249-01 | 00069-0249 | Rituximab-pvvr | Ruxience | 500.0 mg/50mL | Immunotherapy | Monoclonal Antibody | CD20 | Intravenous | Jan. 23, 2020 | In Use | |
69656-0101-02 | 69656-0101 | Rolapitant | Varubi | 90.0 mg/1 | Ancillary Therapy | Antiemetic | Substance P/Neurokinin 1 | Oral | Oct. 7, 2015 | Oct. 31, 2021 | No Longer Used |
00703-3125-08 | 00703-3125 | Romidepsin | Romidepsin | Chemotherapy | Enzyme Inhibitor | HDAC | Intravenous | Aug. 1, 2018 | Oct. 31, 2021 | No Longer Used |
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