The census tract data are based on Census Vintage 2022 county population data. We anticipate releasing a new version of the census tract data in early 2025 based on Census Vintage 2023 county population data. Vintage 2023 total population is not significantly revised, however, there are revisions in population by age. For the U.S. total, population cohorts age 18-27 and age 75 and over are both revised downward approximately 3%, and other age cohorts are revised upward approximately 0.6% in Vintage 2023 compared to Vintage 2022. The revisions in county and census tract population by age may be greater in some instances.

The U.S. census tract population estimates are produced by Woods & Poole Economics, Inc. (W&P) with support from NCI through a contract and are available to anyone who requests them and agrees to certain standard data use conditions.

These census tract population data are based on a hybrid regression, demographic, and proportional model jointly developed by the NCI, W&P, and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR). The new population estimates match to the Census Bureau's Vintage 2022 bridged single-race population estimates for 2020-2022, intercensal population estimates produced by W&P for 2010-2019, and Census Bureau's intercensal population estimates for 2006-2009 when tracts are collapsed to counties. Uncertainties about these estimates are not reflected. Cautions should be exercised in using these estimates, especially when the sample is small. Refer to W&P’s technical documents (PDF, 75 KB) to learn more about the methods used.

The population estimates available for request include, for each U.S. census tract,

  • annual residential population estimates by age group (0, 1-4 years, 5-9, 10-14, ..., 80-84, and 85 and older),
  • race/ethnicity (Non-Hispanic White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native, Non-Hispanic Asian Pacific Islander, and Hispanic of any race),
  • and sex (female and male) for the years 2006 to 2022.
All population estimates are defined using the Decennial Census 2010 census tract boundaries.

Text data files are available for download for analysis using your own statistical software or using SEER*Stat (you must use the SEER*Prep software to create an database for use in SEER*Stat).

Feedback requested: As part of this release, we welcome any feedback on these census tract data products. Please email

Suggested citation if text files are used: Populations - Total U.S. (2006-2022), Census Tract Estimates by Race/Origin Controlling to Vintage 2020 <2010 Tract Geographies>, National Cancer Institute, DCCPS, Surveillance Research Program, released October 2024. Source: Woods & Poole Economics, Inc. Washington, D.C. Copyright 2024.

Suggested citation if SEER*Stat files are used: Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program ( SEER*Stat Database: Populations - Total U.S. (2006-2022), Census Tract Estimates by Race/Origin Controlling to Vintage 2022 <2010 Tract Geographies>, National Cancer Institute, DCCPS, Surveillance Research Program, released October 2024. Source: Woods & Poole Economics, Inc. Washington, D.C. Copyright 2024.