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HCPCS Generic Name Brand Name Strength SEER*Rx Category Major Drug Class Minor Drug Class (Ascending) Oral (Y/N) FDA Approval Year FDA Discontinuation Year CMS Effective Date CMS Discontinuation Date Status
NA Palbociclib Ibrance 125 mg Chemotherapy Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor CDK 4/6 Yes 2015 In Use
NA Ribociclib Kisqali 200 mg Chemotherapy Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor CDK 4/6 Yes 2017 In Use
NA Ribociclib and letrozole Kisqali Femara Co-pack 200 mg/ 2.5 mg Chemotherapy, Hormonal Therapy Cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor/ aromatase inhibitor CDK 4/6 Yes 2017 In Use
J1448 Trilaciclib Cosela 1mg Chemotherapy Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor CDK 4/6 No 2021 Sept. 27, 2021 In Use
C9078 Trilaciclib Cosela 1mg Chemotherapy Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor CDX 4/6 No 2021 July 23, 2021 Sept. 27, 2021 No Longer Used
Maribavir Livtencity 200mg Ancillary Therapy Miscellaneous Agent CMV Antiviral Yes 2021 In Use
NA Pexidartinib Turalio Multiple Chemotherapy Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor CSF1R, KIT, FLT3 Yes 2019 In Use
J9228 Ipilimumab Yervoy 1mg Immunotherapy Checkpoint Inhibitor CTLA-4 No 2011 Jan. 1, 2012 In Use
C9284 Ipilimumab Yervoy 1mg Immunotherapy Checkpoint Inhibitor CTLA-4 No 2011 July 1, 2011 Dec. 31, 2011 No Longer Used
C9147 Tremelimumab-actl Imjudo 1mg Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody CTLA-4 No 2022 March 17, 2023 July 11, 2023 No Longer Used
J9347 Tremelimumab-actl Imjudo 1mg Immunotherapy Monoclonal Antibody CTLA-4 No 2022 July 11, 2023 In Use
Niraparib and Abiraterone Akeega Multiple Chemotherapy Androgen Receptor Inhibitor, Enzyme Inhibitor CYP 17, PARP Yes 2023 In Use
NA Abiraterone acetate Zytiga 250 mg Hormonal Therapy Androgen Receptor Inhibitor CYP17 Inhibitor Yes 2011 In Use
NA Cyclosporine Gengraf 25mg, 50mg, 100mg Ancillary Therapy Immunomodulator Calcineurin Inhibitor Yes 2010 In Use
NA Cyclosporine NeOral 25mg, 100mg Ancillary Therapy Immunomodulator Calcineurin Inhibitor Yes 1995 In Use
NA Cyclosporine Sandimmune 25mg, 50mg, 100mg Ancillary Therapy Immunomodulator Calcineurin Inhibitor Yes 1983 In Use
J9206 Irinotecan Camptosar 20 mg Chemotherapy Topoisomerase I Inhibitor Campothecin Analogs No 1996 Jan. 1, 1998 In Use
C9474 Irinotecan Onivyde 1 mg Chemotherapy Topoisomerase I Inhibitor Campothecin Analogs No 1996 Jan. 1, 2016 In Use
J9350* Topotecan Hycamtin 4 mg Chemotherapy Topoisomerase I Inhibitor Campothecin Analogs No 1996 Jan. 1, 1998 Dec. 31, 2010 No Longer Used
J8705 Topotecan Hycamtin 0.25 mg Chemotherapy Topoisomerase I Inhibitor Campothecin Analogs Yes 1996 Jan. 1, 2009 In Use
J9351 Topotecan Hycamtin 0.1 mg Chemotherapy Topoisomerase I Inhibitor Campothecin Analogs No 1996 Jan. 1, 2011 In Use
J8650 Nabilone Cesamet 1 mg Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic Cannabinoid Yes 1985 Jan. 1, 2007 In Use
J9040 Bleomycin Bleomycin 15 units Chemotherapy Antitumor Antibiotic Carboxylic Acids and Amino Acids/Peptides No 1973 Jan. 1, 1984 In Use
C9417 Bleomycin Bleomycin 15 units Chemotherapy Antitumor Antibiotic Carboxylic Acids and Amino Acids/Peptides No 1973 Jan. 1, 2004 Dec. 31, 2005 No Longer Used
J9120 Dactinomycin Cosmegen 0.5 mg Chemotherapy Antitumor Antibiotic Carboxylic Acids and Amino Acids/Peptides No 1964 Jan. 1, 1984 In Use

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The use of NA indicates that the HCPCS code was Not Available. NA may mean that a) the HCPCS code has not yet been created (new drug), b) the drug is given as an oral drug or alternative route (only in specific instances are HCPCS assigned to these medications), or c) the HCPCS could not be found or is truly not available.