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HCPCS Generic Name Brand Name Strength SEER*Rx Category (Ascending) Major Drug Class Minor Drug Class Oral (Y/N) FDA Approval Year FDA Discontinuation Year CMS Effective Date CMS Discontinuation Date Status
NA Cyclosporine Gengraf 25mg, 50mg, 100mg Ancillary Therapy Immunomodulator Calcineurin Inhibitor Yes 2010 In Use
NA Cyclosporine NeOral 25mg, 100mg Ancillary Therapy Immunomodulator Calcineurin Inhibitor Yes 1995 In Use
NA Cyclosporine Sandimmune 25mg, 50mg, 100mg Ancillary Therapy Immunomodulator Calcineurin Inhibitor Yes 1983 In Use
NA Dutasteride Avodart 0.5mg Ancillary Therapy Protective Agent 5-alpha Reductase Inhibitor Yes 2002 In Use
NA Finasteride Proscar 5mg Ancillary Therapy Protective Agent 5-alpha Reductase Inhibitor Yes 1992 In Use
NA Metoclopramide Reglan 5mg, 10mg Ancillary Therapy Antiemetic Dopamine-2 Receptor Antagonist Yes 1991 In Use
NA Naldemedine Symproic 0.2mg Ancillary Therapy Opioid Antagonist Yes 2018 In Use
NA Pilocarpine Hydrochloride Pilocarpine 5mg, 10mg Ancillary Therapy Miscellaneous Agent Cholinergic Agent Yes 2020 In Use
J2430 Pamidronate disodium Aredia 30mg Ancillary Therapy Bisphosphonate No 1987 In Use
J2506 Pegfilgratim (ex Biosimilars) Neulasta 0.5mg Ancillary Therapy Immunostimulant Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor No 2002 Jan. 26, 2022 In Use

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The use of NA indicates that the HCPCS code was Not Available. NA may mean that a) the HCPCS code has not yet been created (new drug), b) the drug is given as an oral drug or alternative route (only in specific instances are HCPCS assigned to these medications), or c) the HCPCS could not be found or is truly not available.