File Format

  • Fixed length ASCII text records (26 bytes)
  • One population per record/line
  • Windows (CR/LF) line delimiters
  • All numeric data is zero filled to the left
Variable Name and Values Start Column Length Data Type
(1969, 1970, 1971...)
1 4 numeric
State postal abbreviation
"KR" is used for the dummy state created to represent hurricane Katrina/Rita evacuees
5 2 character
State FIPS code
Field is 9-filled for dummy state created to represent hurricane Katrina/Rita evacuees
County FIPS code
Field is 9-filled for dummy state created to represent hurricane Katrina/Rita evacuees
9 3 numeric
1969+ data:
1 = White
2 = Black
3 = Other
1990+ data:
1 = White
2 = Black
3 = American Indian/Alaska Native
4 = Asian or Pacific Islander
14 1 numeric
Applicable to 1990+ data:
0 = Non-Hispanic
1 = Hispanic
9 = Not applicable in 1969+ W,B,O files
15 1 numeric
1 = Male
2 = Female
16 1 numeric
19 Age group data:
00 = 0 years
01 = 1-4 years
02 = 5-9 years
03 = 10-14 years
04 = 15-19 years
17 = 80-84 years
18 = 85-89 years
19 = 90+ years
Single age data:
00 = 0 years
01 = 1 years
02 = 2 years
88 = 88 years
89 = 89 years
90 = 90+ years
17 2 numeric
Population 19 8 numeric