
Pain management

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Pain management is a branch of medicine focused on reducing pain and improving quality of life through an integrative approach to care. Pain management is particularly important for cancer patients, considering one in three patients continue to experience pain after treatment. Those with advanced cancer are most likely to have severe pain. The good news, according to the National Cancer Institute, is that up to 90 percent of cancer patients get relief from relatively simple pain management therapies.

There are multiple modalities that can be used to treat and control pain, including:
Acupuncture and auriculotherapy
Chiropractic treatment
Implanted pain pumps
Massage therapy
Nerve block therapies
Physical therapy
Prescription medications
Relaxation techniques and guided imagery


Title: Cancer Treatments Center of America
Glossary of Cancer Terms

Alternate Names


Abstractor Notes

Pain management is not coded as treatment. Pain management does not modify or destroy cancer cells, it treats the symptoms associated with the cancer.



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