Primary Products

Beginning with cases diagnosed in January 1, 2024 and forward, the Cancer PathCHART initiative standards included in the Cancer PathCHART ICD-O-3 Site Morphology Validation Lists (CPC SMVLs) should be used.

  • These lists designate all tumor site-morphology combinations that are either valid or impossible as determined for the sites reviewed by the Cancer PathCHART initiative.
  • For sites not yet reviewed by Cancer PathCHART, the existing standards from 2023 will remain unchanged in these lists.
  • For cases diagnosed January 1, 2024, and later, the CPC SMVLs will serve as the basis for the Primary Site, Morphology-Type, Beh ICDO3 2024 (N7040) edit, which checks for valid, unlikely and impossible site, histology, and behavior code combinations.

2025 Tumor Site-Morphology Standards

Changes in Tumor Site-Morphology Standards for 2025 are Coming Soon

The New Impossible Unlikely Valid 2025 file lists the tumor site-morphology combinations for which validity status changed after CPC expert pathologist review of the sites/organ systems reviewed for implementation for cases diagnosed January 1, 2025 and forward. There are two worksheets included in this Excel file: 2025 Changes in Validity Status and Site_Codes.

2025 Changes in Validity Status Worksheet: These are the newly Valid, Impossible or Unlikely entities by CPC-specific site group. See the Site_Codes worksheet for what ICD-O-3 topography codes correspond to each site group (see Site_Codes below).

Column Header Content Description Comments on Values
Site Group Tumor site group See Site_Codes worksheet
Prior to CPC Review Validity status for site and morphology code combination prior to CPC Pathologist review New WHO Code
After CPC Review CPC Validity Status for site and morphology code combination after CPC Pathologist review Valid
Morphology ICD-O-3.2 morphology code “New WHO Code” corresponds to new entities included in the WHO Classification of Tumours series
5th editions adopted for use by North America, and therefore do not have an ICD-O-3.2 morphology code
ICD-O-3.2 Preferred Term ICD-O-3.2 preferred term WHO terms are included for New WHO Codes

Site_Codes: These are the ICD-O-3 topography codes that correspond to each Cancer PathCHART-specific site group. The Cancer PathCHART-specific site groups were developed to facilitate pathologist review of site-morphology combinations. Important Note: These groupings were developed exclusively for the Cancer PathCHART review process and should not be used in any other capacities, such as for cancer trends.

Sites Reviewed for 2025 Implementation

Organ System Sites Reviewed for 2025 Implementation
Respiratory Tract Lung and Bronchus; Pleura
Thorax Thymus; Mediastinal Space
Soft Tissue Peripheral Nerves and Autonomic Nervous System; Retroperitoneum; Heart and Pericardium
Male Genital System Epididymis, Paratesticular and Spermatic cord; Testis*
Urinary System Urethra; Urothelial Sites; Paraurethral Gland; Kidney*
CNS Cerebral Hemispheres; Cerebellum; Brainstem; Ventricles; Meninges; Cranial Nerves; Spinal Cord

* Remaining histologies not reviewed for this site/organ system for 2024 implementation.

2024 Tumor Site-Morphology Standards

Changes in Tumor Site-Morphology Standards for 2024 are Coming Soon

The New Impossible Unlikely Valid 2024 file lists the tumor site-morphology combinations for which validity status changed after CPC expert pathologist review of the sites/organ systems reviewed for implementation for cases diagnosed January 1, 2024 and forward. There are two worksheets included in this Excel file: 2024 Changes in Validity Status and Site_Codes.

2024 Changes in Validity Status Worksheet: These are the newly Valid, Impossible or Unlikely entities by CPC-specific site group. See the Site_Codes worksheet for what ICD-O-3 topography codes correspond to each site group (see Site_Codes below).

Column Header Content Description Comments on Values
Site Group Tumor site group See Site_Codes worksheet
Prior to CPC Review Validity status for site and morphology code combination prior to CPC Pathologist review New WHO Code
After CPC Review CPC Validity Status for site and morphology code combination after CPC Pathologist review Valid
Morphology ICD-O-3.2 morphology code “New WHO Code” corresponds to new entities included in the WHO Classification of Tumours series
5th editions adopted for use by North America, and therefore do not have an ICD-O-3.2 morphology code
ICD-O-3.2 Preferred Term ICD-O-3.2 preferred term WHO terms are included for New WHO Codes

Site_Codes: These are the ICD-O-3 topography codes that correspond to each Cancer PathCHART-specific site group. The Cancer PathCHART-specific site groups were developed to facilitate pathologist review of site-morphology combinations. Important Note: These groupings were developed exclusively for the Cancer PathCHART review process and should not be used in any other capacities, such as for cancer trends.

Primary Sites Reviewed for 2024 Implementation

Organ System Primary Sites Reviewed for 2024 Implementation
Bone & Soft Tissue Bones & Joints; Connective, Subcutaneous & Other Soft Tissue
Breast Breast
Digestive Ampulla of Vater; Anus; Appendix; Biliary System; Colon & Rectum; Esophagus; Gallbladder; Liver; Pancreas; Small Intestine; Stomach
Female Genital Cervix; Endometrium; Fallopian Tube; Myometrium; Ovary; Vagina; Vulva, Adnexa & Other Female Genital; Placenta
Male Genital Penis; Prostate; Testis*
Urinary Kidney*

*For these primary sites, a subset of site-morphology combinations were reviewed for 2024 implementation, the remaining combinations will be reviewed for implementation with cases diagnosed 2025 and forward.

Implementation Timeline
review process

These tumor site-morphology combination standards will be updated annually, with the first updates implemented for cases diagnosed January 1, 2024, and later. In 2024, standards for approximately one-third of tumor sites will be updated by Cancer PathCHART. The remaining two-thirds of tumor sites will use 2023 standards. For cases diagnosed in 2025, approximately two-thirds of tumor sites will have site-morphology combination standards updated. For cases diagnosed 2026 and later, it is anticipated that all tumor sites will have site-morphology combination standards updated by Cancer PathCHART.

CPC*Search Tool

Magnifying Glass Search Icon

This Search Interface for 2024 allows for searches of histology and behavior codes, morphology terms, and tumor site combinations in the 2024 CPC SMVL.

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