Details of each database available in SEER*Stat are provided below. We provide a database dictionary and a data description document to describe all the variables in the Research and Research Plus databases. We also provide a summary by SEER*Stat session type of the available databases and main characteristics of each database.

Documentation of SEER*Stat Variables

  • Dictionary of  SEER Variables: Excel (XLSX, 37 KB) or PDF (PDF, 269 KB)
    Lists all the variables in the SEER*Stat databases with the following information: NAACCR item number, description and definitions, category name, and availability in the Research, Research Plus, and SEER 21 Limited-Field databases (see SEER Data Change History for more information).
  • Data Description for SEER Research and Research Plus (PDF, 1.7 MB)
    Provides documentation for each of the variables in the Research and Research Plus databases.

County attribute data from the U.S. Census are also linked to the SEER*Stat databases. Variables available are dependent on the type of database:

  • Research databases have two time-dependent fields available: Median Household Income and Rural-Urban Continuum Codes.
  • Research Plus databases have many fields available from the two types of county attributes: Static and Time-Dependent.

Number of Records in the SEER Data

Registries (Years) All Cases ** Malignant Cases Malignant +
In Situ Cases
SEER 21 (2000-2018) 11,865,152 10,629,258 11,554,143
SEER 21 (2018) 696,950 612,943 672,834
SEER 18 (2000-2018) 8,666,662 7,755,706 8,434,973
SEER 18 (2018) 516,200 452,833 498,076
SEER 13 (1992-2018) 5,450,399 4,925,082 5,334,171
SEER 13 (2018) 240,741 209,953 231,592
SEER 9 (1975-2018) 5,530,535 5,075,629 5,442,494
SEER 9 (2018) 182,150 157,667 174,948

* Registries included in the data are defined in Registry Groupings in SEER Data and Statistics.
** All Cases includes cases coded as benign and borderline malignancy tumors in ICD-O-3.

Databases by SEER*Stat Session Type

Rate Sessions

Case Listing and Frequency Sessions

Prevalence Sessions

Survival and Left-Truncated Life Table Sessions

MP-SIR/SMR Sessions