SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 03/08/2025 9:32 PM
Question 20021096
Inquiry Details
#1: 2004 SEER Manual, 94
#2: 2004 SEER Manual, C-597. Appendix C
1) Final path diagnosis: papillary transitional cell carcinoma, high grade. Micro description states: High grade, poorly differentiated carcinoma.
2) Well to moderately differentiated papillary transitional cell carcinoma, grade 1-2/3.
3) Urothelial carcinoma, high grade (poorly differentiated, grade 3 of 3).
4) High grade papillary urothelial carcinoma (papillary transitional cell carcinoma, grade 3 out of 4).
For cases diagnosed January 2004 and forward:
1) Grade 4. High grade is coded 4. Code the grade stated in the final diagnosis.
2) Grade 3. Grade 1-2/3 is coded 3. Use the three-grade conversion table in the 2004 SEER manual.
3) Grade 4. Grade 3 of 3 is coded 4. Use the three-grade conversion table in the 2004 SEER manual.
4) Grade 3. "Grade 3 out of 4" is coded 3 and is more precise than "high grade."
For cases diagnosed before January 2004:
Use the priority list in the SEER Program Code Manual to code the Grade, Differentiation field for all sites.
1) Grade 4. High grade is coded 4. Code the grade stated in the final diagnosis.
2) Grade 2. Moderately differentiated and grade 1-2/3 are coded 2.
3) Grade 3. Terminology, "Poorly differentiated," is preferred over other grade indications and is coded 3. [revised 3-03]
4) Grade 3. "Grade 3 out of 4" is preferred over "High grade." [revised 3-03]
Reference: SEER Program Code Man, 3rd Ed pages 101-103