SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 01/16/2025 3:09 PM
Question 20051086
Inquiry Details
#1: 2004 SEER Manual, C-560. App C, July 2005
#2: CS Steering Committee
Per note 1 for Site Specific Factor 3 - Pathologic Extension all histologic information is used. Biopsy information would be included when coding path extension. Would all histologic information be used for coding prostatectomy apex involvement in Site Specific Factor 4?
Example 1: Prostate biopsies of the right and left apex and right and left mid gland show adenocarcinoma. Prostatectomy shows bilateral adenocarcinoma. Apex negative for tumor.
Example 2: Prostate biopsies of right apex and mid gland show adenocarcinoma. There is no mention of apex on prostatectomy path. How is CS Site Specific Factor 4 Prostate Apex Involvement coded?
This answer was provided in the context of CSv1 coding guidelines. The response may not be used after your registry database has been converted to CSv2.
Assign the second digit of CS SSF 4 based on prostatectomy only, do not include biopsy or other histologic information in the second digit.
According to the CS Steering Committee, the clinical or biopsy of the prostate is included in the first number of the code and should not be combined with the prostatectomy code which is the second number. These were separated purposely.
Example 1: Code the second digit of SSF 4 based on the prostatectomy, 1 [no involvement of prostatic apex].
Example 2: Code the second digit of SSF 4 based on the prostatectomy, 5 [apex extension unknown].