SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 01/20/2025 8:55 AM
Question 20071073
Inquiry Details
#1: SEER Website.
#2: 2007 MP/H Rules. Breast (H17)
A breast tumor diagnosed in Feb. 2007 is a single tumor with in situ and invasive components. The invasive component is diagnosed as ductal with tubular features.
The only rule that applies is H9 which says 'code the invasive histology.' Is it ductal (8500) or tubular (8211)? If you continue through the H rules, then H12 does not apply, because tubular is not a type of ductal. So then you end up at H17, which would make this 8523. Which code is correct?
For cases diagnosed 2007 or later, code the histology 8523 [duct mixed with other types of carcinoma].
After determining that the invasive histology is to be coded using rule H9, there is another decision to make in this case -- which invasive histology should be coded? Make a second pass through the histology rules, begining with rule H10. Stop at H17 and code 8523.
This advanced concept of a "second pass" through the rules is discussed in an online web training session called "Beyond the basics." Go to the SEER website to view this session