SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 12/26/2024 12:36 AM
Question 20220034
Inquiry Details
2010 Heme & Lymph Manual & DB. Published August 2021
First Course Treatment--Lymphoma: Is the first round of systemic therapy coded as first course of therapy or is it all the therapy given to achieve remission for a lymphoma case with multiple treatments? See Discussion.
Lymphoma case diagnosed in 2021: The patient had first round of systemic therapy as documented in the treatment plan and a post-chemotherapy PET scan that showed residual disease. The patient then had a different combination of systemic therapy and still had some residual disease. The patient was given a third round of different combination of systemic therapy in preparation for stem cell transplant. According to the physician post-stem cell transplant note, the patient achieved complete remission.
Is the first course of therapy the first round of systemic therapy only or is it all the therapy given to achieve remission? It seems like only the first round of systemic therapy is first course of therapy for both leukemia and lymphoma in the hematopoietic manual. I thought all treatment for all hematopoietic cases was first course until remission achieved or progression was evident.
Code all treatments the patient received as first course of treatment. For lymphoma and leukemia, first course of treatment may include first-line, second-line, consolidation, maintenance, salvage, etc., any treatment to achieve remission.
We have added this to the agenda for the 2024 updates to the Hematopoietic Manual and Database.